Leonard Laskow M.D.
Leonard, the author of Healing With Love, is a Stanford-trained Life Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology who served as faculty at UCSF. A founding diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and a former member of the Institute of Heartmath’s Scientific Advisory Board he is currently a consultant in Behavioral and Energy Medicine and gives seminars internationally.
Workshop: The Art & Science of Healing With Love
Wednesday, April 1 - 10:45am-12:00pm
Coming into wholeness through loving presence, beyond conditioning and concept, the enormous energy we use to maintain the illusion of separation from truth, from Source, from Oneness, is liberated. Then, using conscious choice as attention and intention, this energy can be cohered in the heart and directed to heal the physical body, one’s own and others, resolve emotional issues, and support spiritual unfoldment in its uniqueness and unity.
This seminar will blend experiential process with ancient wisdom and recent scientific research on the efficacy of loving energy in facilitating healing on all levels.
This seminar will blend experiential process with ancient wisdom and recent scientific research on the efficacy of loving energy in facilitating healing on all levels.
Goal: To familiarize participants experientially and didactically with the efficacy of loving energy in facilitating healing on all levels.
Learning Objectives:
- How to evoke loving presence
- How loving presence complemented by intention facilitates healin
- How love and truth access wholeness to become the ultimate medicine