Penelope Smith
a leader in the field of interspecies communication for over thirty years and has helped launch the careers of numerous professional animal communicators. Smith’s visionary work has been featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, books, and on radio and television around the world. She has authored the popular, classic books, Animal Talk, When Animals Speak, and Animals in Spirit along with numerous audio and video educational aids. Smith is also the editor of Species Link magazine.
Workshop: The Power of Communicating with Animals
Wednesday, April 1 - 10:45 am to 12:00 pm
Unveil the mystery of how to communicate with animals. Discover how animals communicate and understand us, what prevents humans from receiving their messages and how to regain the mode of communication natively understood by all species. You learn about animals' intelligence, how to help animals through direct communication with them and how animals help us to integrate body, mind and spirit. Improve your understanding of animals' behavior, needs and feelings, experience more harmony and joy with animal companions and deepen your connection with the whole web of life on Earth. Penelope guides you on your way to communicating with animals and answers your questions. You will never experience animals in the same way again.
Goal: To give an overview of how telepathic communication with animals works.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand how animals communicate and understand us,
- To find out how people can learn to communicate with animals telepathically, and
- To understand the healing benefits of telepathic communication with animals.