Christian de Quincey
Christian is Professor of Philosophy and Consciousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University, Dean of Consciousness Studies at the University of Philosophical Research and founder of The Wisdom Academy. Dr. de Quincey is author of Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter and Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship. His new book is Consciousness from Zombies to Angels: The Shadow and the Light of Knowing Who You Are.
Workshop: Consciousness: The Shadow and the Light: Seven Steps to Greater Self-Awareness
Saturday, March 28 - 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Join Christian in exploring spirituality’s deepest mystery, science’s final frontier, and philosophy’s hardest problem—in a word, the mystery we know as consciousness. What is it? How does it work? Why is it so important? Based on his new book, Consciousness from Zombies to Angels: The Shadow and the Light of Knowing Who You Are, Dr. de Quincey will guide you through Seven Steps to Greater Self-Awareness, using a combination of illuminated presentation, communicating leading-edge ideas through the power of evocative, animated images. Engaging, experiential exercises with questions and answers will benefit all. Together, we will cut through philosophical and scientific tangles that block the way to spiritual awareness.
Goal: To identify seven practical steps enhancing mental health.
Learning Objectives:
- To identify seven practical steps enhancing mental health.
- To distinguish between the power of “intention” and “belief,” and
- To explain how a healthy mind integrates positive and negative emotions and self-images.