Raphael Cushnir
Raphael had a heart opening experience that came through the tribulation of profound grief. In the process, he was both blessed and challenged by the inner awakening of earth-shattering shakti. It's this energy that he draws upon for his work. His film, Sexual Healing, was nominated for two Ace Awards and won grand prize at the Houston Film Festival. He is a contributor to O, The Oprah Magazine. Raphael is a teacher, activist, screenwriter and film director. His books include Unconditional Bliss, Setting Your Heart on Fire, How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment and The One Thing Holding You Back: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Connection.
www.emotionalconnection.org www.livingthequestions.org
Keynote: Emotional Orgasm: The Hidden Link Between Presence, Ecstasy and Enlightenment
Saturday, January 23 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
The more present you become, the more ecstasy you experience. Beyond ecstasy, you’re ultimately able to access a peace “that surpasses all understanding.” One doorway to that peace is sexuality. But what blocks that doorway for almost all of us is unfelt emotion. Learning to feel what you’re most afraid of, therefore, is the most potent path both to physical and spiritual fulfillment. It’s simple to do, but definitely not easy. Direct emotional connection is the one essential life skill that we’re almost never taught. Come learn it, and make love to your life.
Goal: Understanding the link between emotions and sexuality.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to release a “stuck” emotion,
- Learn how to feel an emotion fully, and
- Learn how to employ the same technique for increased sexual response.
Workshop: Emotional Orgasm: The Intensive
Sunday, January 24 -
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
In surfing, rider and wave link up to create a union of oceanic power. What keeps these two forces in unison is the rider’s attention. It’s the same with internal waves, whether they’re emotional or sexual in nature. In fact, the greatest rides are often both. Focusing your attention in very specific ways is what allows you to stay present, open, and relaxed amid the most liberating currents. In today’s intensive you’ll learn exactly how and you’ll leave with an ability to begin practicing right away. This practice will supercharge your intimacy with self, lover and, especially, the divine.
Goal: Understanding the role of mental attention in deepening internal experience.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to place attention directly upon rapidly shifting internal sensations
- Learn how to apply four key qualities to this internal attention, and
- Learn how successfully “calibrated” internal attention reveals the sacred source of emotional and sexual energy.