Past Presenters
Here we have information on presenters at previous Sacred Sexuality Conferences
Presenters at the 2007 Conference

Andrew Harvey full bio
Andrew Harvey, born in South India, author, Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Dialogues with a Modern Mystic, The Way of Passion: Celebration of Rumi, Hidden Journey, Son of Man and 25 other books, cofounder, Global Interfaith Center PreConference All-Day Retreat with Andrew Harvey: Embodying the Light: Practices for Tantric Tenderness.
Caroline Muir
Charles Muir
Charles and Caroline Muir full bio
Charles and Caroline Muir, founders, Source School of Tantra, authors, Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving and DVD Secrets of Female Sexual Ecstasy.
Keynote: Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving

Joan Heartfield full bio
Joan Heartfield, PhD in Counseling Psychology, MFA in Dance, Drama and Theatre, creator, Conversations That Matter, Opening to Love Ceremonies, Romancing The Beloved, Art of Relationship

Margot Anand

Michael Pooley
Margot Anand full bio
Margot Anand, author, The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality, Sexual Magic Meditations, The Art of Sexual Magic, Sexual Ecstasy: The Art of Orgasm and many others.
Workshop: The Secret Keys to the Ultimate Love Life
Michael Pooley
Michael Pooley, cofounder The Art of Ecstatic Love, Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher, integrates Tantra, Yoga, meditation, breath, psychology, dance and movement, bodywork, music, self discovery and the creative process.

Raphael Cushnir full bio
Raphael Cushnir, author, Unconditional Bliss, Setting Your Heart on Fire, How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment, filmmaker, Sexual Healing
Workshop: Diving Deep: How Sexual Energy Reveals Your Essence
Workshop: Surfing Your Sexual Edge: Liberation Lurks where Angels Fear to Tread

Deborah Sundahl full bio
Deborah Sundahl, pioneering expert in female ejaculation, author, Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot, producer, Female Ejaculation Sex Education Series
Workshop: Female Ejaculation and the G-spot: It's Ancient Mythological and Scientific History and Contemporary Implications

Brigitte Mars full bio
Brigitte Mars, a nutritional consultant working with Natural Medicine for over 35 years, teacher Herbal Medicine at Esalen, Kirpalu, Boulder College of Massage and Naropa University, author, Addiction Free Naturally; Sex, Love and Health; Healing Herbal Teas, and Rawsome!

Juliana Dahl full bio
Juliana Dahl, PhD Transpersonal Psychology, author, Sacred Bath for Lovers. DVD producer, Evocation of the Female Ejaculate, Increasing Male Sexual Pleasure, certified Dakini (sexual healer)
Workshop: Ritualize Sacred Sexual Practices: From Kissing to Sourcing the Female Ejaculate

Antra and Rich Borofsky full bio
Antra and Rich have been a couple for 35 years. Codirectors of the Center for the Study of Relationship they have offered therapy, group work and seminars on the practice of relationship for over 30 years. Antra has been a Gestalt therapist and Marriage and Family therapist. Rich has been a clinical psychologist, instructor at Harvard Medical School and longtime zen student. They are contributing authors to On Intimate Ground: A Gestalt Approach to Working with Couples and Joyful Wedding: A Spiritual Path to the Altar.

Michael Chase Walker full bio
Michael Chase Walker, teacher of Expanded Sexuality, Adept in Western Mystery School traditions, Initiate of advanced practices of Hatha, Bhakta, Jnana, Mantra and Tantra Yoga, lecturer and author, archetypal mythology in modern cinema.
Expanded Sexuality: Modern Western Guide to Personal Mastery
Presenters at earlier conferences
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara Marx Hubbard,
futurist, President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, author, The Revelation, Conscious Evolution and others
Keynote: Gateway to Our Conscious Evolution
Workshop: Going Through the Gateway: Key Steps in Our Emergence as Universal Humans

Charles Tart
Charles Tart, PhD,
editor, Scientists' Transcendent Experiences, author, Altered States of Consciousness, Waking Up, Living the Mindful Life and 10 other books
Workshop: A Taste of Mindfulness in Real Life

Victor Sanchez
Victor Sanchez,
anti-anthropologist from Mexico, author, The Teachings of Don Carlos and The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul
Keynote: The Transformative Power of the Other Side of Consciousness
Workshop: The Secret of the Feathered Serpent
Keynote: Kinam: Balancing Duality: New Pathways for Enhancing Awareness
Workshop: Kinam: Balancing Duality: Experience New Pathways for Enhancing Awareness