Charles Muir
Having been deeply involved with practicing and teaching yoga's spiritual aspects, Muir observed that the traditional yogic methods of celibacy, as a way of expressing one's sexual energy, was inappropriate for most of his yoga students who were householders. He founded the Source School of Tantra and is its Director of Studies.
By living Tantra Yoga's principles and practices, he translated them for the western mind and values. Charles developed unique, experiential exercises that enable his students to align and ground their sexual self with the rest of their psycho/energy system. He noticed that when passion, love and consciousness join together they transform sex into a profound and loving meditation which increases intimacy, joy and connection in a couple's life. He teaches a unique modern approach to this ancient art form, translating it for today's 21st century needs. He is coauthor of Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving and Secrets of Female Sexual Ecstasy.
Keynote: Sex and Love in the 21st Century
Sunday, January 24 - 9:00 am to 10:15 am
With marriages failing at well over 50%, we are still 21st Century lovers largely influenced by 19th Century values. The sexual revolution in the 20th Century was just the first stage of its evolution and it must continue if we are to end the battle of the sexes, which separates lover and beloved and causes most relationships to fail.
Sex is a biological urge that all animal species figure out. Sexual love is a learned skill that transcends animal urges and finds both spiritual components and new levels of mind-altering pleasures.
You will learn the conscious loving practices that relationships must have if they are to flourish. This will be a visionary look into the changes you can make now in your relationships. It will provide you with extremely valuable secret techniques to absorb the energy of orgasm while increasing its length and power at least 300%.
Goal: Learn conscious loving practices for flourishing relationships.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn conscious loving practices to produce vibrant relationships,
- Provide extremely valuable secret techniques to increase orgasmic length and power by over 300%, and
- Transform orgasmic relief to sexual ecstasy.
Workshop: Tantra, Shakti and Sex Magic
Monday, January 25 - 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Tantra Yoga is a path that awakens consciousness through right use of sexual energy. It is a practice that creates more love, harmony and abundance in both the bedroom and in every day life.
Awaken Shakti, the sexual/creative energy that dwells in your loins. Shakti ignites the God/Goddess-essence, the high priest/priestess and limitless creative energy that resides in each of us. We will perform group Shaktipat to safely awaken your sleeping energy and learn hands-on techniques that you can practice on your own.
Shakti is limitless in its pleasure potential and creative ability to help us manifest in our lives. You will learn Tantric sex magic rituals for both secular manifestation and spiritual transformation.
Goal: Awaken Shakti energy to manifest and spiritually transform your life.
Learning Objectives:
- Participate in a group Shaktipat to safely awaken sleeping energy,
- Perform hands-on techniques to ignite your sexual and creative Shakti energy, and
- Learn Tantric sex magic rituals to manifest and spiritually transform your life.