Jenny Wade, PhD
Dr. Jenny Wade is a developmental psychologist and researcher specializing in consciousness studies. Her research focuses on how unusual states of consciousness change people during life. Her research on altered states that happen spontaneously during sex formed the basis for her book, Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil. Dr. Wade serves as a consultant on optimizing differences in normal adult consciousness and teaches doctoral studies at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She also authored Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness.
Workshop: Trauma, Power, Transcendent Sex, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference
Sunday, January 24 - 10:45am to 12 noon
Sex can trigger profound altered states, intentionally or involuntarily. Such experiences pack a wallop, convincing people they have found their soul mate, discovered true love, or found a truth that destroys the world as they knew it. Manipulating sexual energies can evoke primal states and also attract dark forces. Clients and some practitioners who are drawn to sex work often have developmental disruptions that cannot be treated with energy alone or may be worsened by energy work. We’ll discuss how prenatal and other conditions predispose people to hazards around sexual energies, how to discern them and how to work with them safely.
Goal: To become familiar with the altered-state phenomena triggered by sex, what may trigger them, how to understand and extract their real contribution to personal growth while working with them safely and wisely.
Learning Objectives:
- To discover the kinds of altered states that are triggered by lovemaking,
- To learn ways to uncover the roots of susceptibility to those states and what they may really represent, and
- To use altered-state sex knowledge to enhance relationships and transform one’s self while determining how to work with that knowledge creating safe conditions for self and others.