Sandra Ingerman
Sandra Ingerman is a world-renowned teacher of shamanism. She is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times. A licensed therapist, she is the author of Soul Retrieval; Welcome Home; A Fall to Grace; Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins; Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide, and How To Heal Toxic Thoughts. Sandra also is the author of The Soul Retrieval Journey and Miracles for the Earth.
Workshop: Shamanism As A Way Of Life
Tuesday, January 26 - 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm
The true practice of shamanism is a way of life versus a series of techniques and methods. The shamans who are known for their amazing abilities to heal individuals, their communities, and the world are those who embrace a shamanic state of consciousness throughout the day. This state of consciousness involves living in harmony with nature and all of life by remembering we are connected to a web of life. This state of consciousness embraces the principles of love and unity.
Goal: To learn how to work in harmony with the spirits of nature to create balance between humankind and the natural world and explore the truth of who we are and our life purpose.
Learning Objectives:
- To know the importance of integrating spiritual practices into daily life,
- To discover how to create a harmonious life, and
- To learn about the healing and support we can receive from the non-ordinary realms.