The Seventh International Conference
on Shamanism
January 22 - 26, 2010, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2 for 1 Special! When you register for this event, you are automatically entitled to attend both events: The International Conference on Sacred Sexuality and The International Conference on Shamanism at NO EXTRA CHARGE! Both events happen concurrently and at the same location. Your badge allows you to attend both events at both conferences automatically! |

Alberto Villoldo, PhD - Full Bio
founder, The Four Winds Society, medical anthropologist, author, Shaman, Healer, Sage; Dance of the Four Winds and Island of the Sun
Pre-Conference All-Day Retreat: Introduction to Healing the Luminous Body
Keynote: Courageous Dreaming Workshop: The Shaman’s Way of Healing
Workshop: The Shaman's Way of Healing

Ohki Simine Forest - Full Bio
vision-holder and spiritual teacher of Canadian Mohawk descent, initiated by Mayan, Mongolian and Canadian shamans, teacher of a unified practice of ancient Native Medicine Wheel ways for over 25 years including guided meditations, journeys, drumming, breathing and movement practices
Keynote: 21st Century Shamanism: The Native Dream and Power of Earth
Workshop: STAR BUFFALO: Creating Shared Abundance for Our Times

David Cumes, MD - Full Bio
author, The Spirit of Healing, Inner Passage and Africa in My Bones, born and raised in South Africa, exploring ancient African wisdom on healing, initiated as an African shaman (sangoma or inyanga) and their divining techniques, powerful rituals and plant medicines, researching altered states of consciousness induced by drumming and the diagnostic power of the "bones"
Workshop: Shaman and the Dream Time

Jorge Luis Delgado - Full Bio
trained by Kallawayas shamans in the lineage of the Amautas (the Wise Ones of the Andes), also trained with the Q’ero Elders, who are considered the last remaining descendents of the Incas, re-discoverer of Aramu Muru Doorway, an inter-dimensional portal near Lake Titicaca, founding member Brotherhood of the Solar Disc
Workshop: The Return to Joy

Sandra Ingerman, MA - Full Bio
world-renowned teacher of shamanism, licensed therapist, author of Soul Retrieval; Welcome Home; A Fall to Grace; Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins; Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide, and How To Heal Toxic Thoughts
Workshop: Shamanism As A Way Of Life

Stanley Krippner, PhD - Full Bio
scholar in the field of parapsychology and consciousness studies, director, Center for Consciousness Studies, past president, Association for Humanistic Psychology, past president, Parapsychological Association, coauthor, Healing States; The Realms of Healing; Spiritual Dimensions of Healing: From Tribal Shamanism to Contemporary Health; Becoming Psychic: Spiritual Lessons for Focusing Your Hidden Abilities; Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them; The Mythic Path; Dreamworking: How to Use Your Dreams for Creative Problem-Solving; Future Science: Life Energies and the Physics of Paranormal Phenomena, editor, Dreamtime and Dreamwork: Decoding the Language of the Night and Dreamscaping: New Techniques for Understanding Yourself and Others
Workshop: The Inner Shaman of Dream Time

Kristin Madden - Full Bio
healer, deathwalker, author, The Book of Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Guide to Death and Dying, Magick, Mystery, and Medicine and other titles; Dean, Ardantane's School of Shamanic Studies, member Druid College of Healing, tutor, Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator, Certified Hypnotherapist
Workshop: Animal Allies: Magic, Mystery and Medicine

Medicine Story Manitonquat - Full Bio
(Manitonquat) Wampanoag elder, author, Ending Violent Crime, The Circle Way, The Children of the Morning Light and Return to Creation: A Survival Manual for Native and Natural People, ceremonial leader, editor, Heritage, Native liberation journal
Workshop: Forgotten Instructions: Healing the Human Situation on Earth

Tina de Souza
Brazilian Ialorixa Priestess of Umbanda, clinical psychotherapist, founder, Meta-Psychotherapy Process (integrates western psychotherapy with Afro-Brazilian energetic techniques) and Primary Unconscious Integrated System, trance medium, healer
Workshop: The Primary Unconscious Integrated System (P.U.I.S.) for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual balance
Evening Event: An Interactive Ceremonial Experience in the Tradition of Afro-Brazilian Umbanda: Gira

Ernesto Ortiz - Full Bio
Trance Dance facilitator, founder Journey To The Heart, began training at a very early age with Curanderos and Shamans in his native Mexico, creator of D.R.E.A.M Catcher (a structure used for healing that uses Sacred Geometry and Vibroacoustics), author, Mastering the Art of Relationship, Raw Emotions: Journey With the Beloved, and others
Workshop: Trance Dance and Tantric Shamanism
Evening Performance: Trance Dance: An Evening of Sacred Connection Through Primal Rhythms and Movement

Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim - Full Bio
healer, teacher, author, Wise Secrets of Aloha, from authentic Hawaiian lineage of traditional healers
Workshop: The Hawaiian Healing Mystery School and Lomi Lomi

Deborah Davis, LAc - Full Bio
author, Women’s Qigong for Health and Longevity, producer, instructional DVD, The Spirit of Qi Gong: Chinese Exercises for Longevity
Morning Classes Each Day: Qigong for Health and Longevity

Raven Hicks - Full Bio
Raven Hicks, fitness specialist, licensed athletic coach, taught martial arts for over twenty years, owner, Spirit Warriors Martial Arts Academy, creator, Fit Body/ Fit Mind
Morning Classes Each Day: Fit Body - Fit Mind

Philip H. Farber - Full Bio
author Meta-Magick, DVD producer, Magick for the 21st Century, Essential Meta-Magick and Meta-Magick Invocation, instructor, Maybe Logic Academy, Certified Hypnotist, licensed trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Workshop: Gods, Demons and Imaginary Friends (Whether You Believe in Them or Not)

Chalise Brooke Medicine Eagle
ceremonial leader, sacred ecologist, songwriter, author, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing and The Last Ghost Dance
Workshop: Making A Difference The Shaman’s Way

Barbara Tedlock, PhD - Full Bio
initiated shaman practicing within the ancient Mayan subtle energy system, Professor of Anthropology, granddaughter of Ojibwe woman shaman, author, The Woman in the Shaman’s Body: Reclaiming the Feminine in Religion and Medicine, editor of the Journal of Shamanic Practice.
Workshop: Mayan Dream Weavers of Time: Solving the Mystery of 2012

Dennis Tedlock - Full Bio
daykeeper, Mayan system of divination, Research Professor of Anthropology, field researcher among the Zuni, Maya, Karaja and Mongols, author, Finding the Center: The Art of the Zuni Storyteller, Breath on the Mirror: Mythic Voices and Visions of the Living Maya, Days From a Dream Almnac, Rabinal Achi: A Mayan Drama of War and Sacrifice, Popol Vuh: The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and The Human Work, the Human Design: The First 2000 Years of Mayan Literature
Workshop: Mayan Dream Weavers of Time: Solving the Mystery of 2012

Joe Miguez - Full Bio
artist, labyrinth builder, facilitator, teacher, change agent and author, nationally known as the Labyrinth Man
Evening Event: The Labyrinth Experience: A Walking Meditation