Juliana Dahl
Juliana Dahl experienced a spiritual awakening involving Kundalini Energy that brought about major transformative changes in her life, including being led into her life's workthe study of kundalini, its correlation to sexuality, intimacy and relationships and the importance of this in the evolution of consciousness. She has a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, and has authored Sacred Bath Ritual for Lovers and produced Increasing Male Sexual Pleasure and Sacred Bath Ritual for Lovers DVDs. Juliana works with individuals and couples teaching intimacy, relationship skills and the integration of sexuality with spirituality. Her DVD, Evocation of the Female Ejaculate, provides a wonderful tool to teach couples the art of sexual healing. She is also a certified Dakini (sexual healer), and is the director of Paradise at Harmony, a healing retreat center. Juliana is a powerful woman whose enthusiasm, fire and zest for life radiates to all those around her.
Workshop: Ritualize Sacred Sexual Practices: From Kissing to Sourcing the Female Ejaculate
Saturday, January 21
New Mexico Room 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Enter the arena of sacred ritual, as you are transported through using
mindfulness, creating sacred space, music, intention, visualization, full engagement of the senses, conscious breathing, meditation and the orchestration of sexual practices into realms of higher consciousness. Arrive together with the beloved onto the shore of renewed commitment to the present moment, "The Now of Being with each other fully in sexual rapture."
To experience the power and beauty of ritual as a vehicle to move mundane sexual connections with our lover into the profound ecstatic reverie of bliss.
Learning Objectives:
• Discover through demonstration and DVD viewing the components of ritual in sacred sexuality
• Learn how to create ritual for your lovemaking: from foreplay to deep connection
• Participate in the creation of sacred ritual.
