"It strikes me that this has been a significant event for a number of reasons. As a person who has been working in the field of consciousness for 30 years or so, I regard this event as a landmark. This is the first time that the new scientific vision of consciousness presented by serious people researching in the field has been presented to a public audience.
"There has been a tendency for conferences that have the name science in the title to be very much in the head, and to have a kind of competitive edge, which scientists often have. But this event was very whole, very heart centered and very much needed by our culture at this time. An important seed has been planted here.
"I personally feel very proud and happy to be part of this and I am looking forward to coming back year after year, because it seems to me that something has changed, the zeitgeist is different, and this conference is symbolic of that."
- Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, President, Intuition Network
"I certainly enjoyed The Conference; it was unprecedented in covering this important, emerging topic. For all the conferences I've attended through the years, which are many, I have never seen so many others' presentations because the program was such a deep, informative and stimulating one."
- Brian O'Leary, PhD, NASA astronaut
"As the consciousness of one person is changed, so the counsciousness of the world is changed. The Science and Consciousness Conference was a life-changing experience for me. The level of professionalism of the presenters was astounding; the sense of community was so vital. There are no words to describe the depth of my experience. At the closing ceremony, tears began to stream down my face. I didn't want it to end. People — from all walks of life, from all races and religions, from all over the country. . . the world. . . coming together with one great intent — in harmony and love. Imagine a world like this. We are the leaders we have been waiting for." — Thanks, Nancy Nordyke
"I am so very, very pleased to be a part of this, feeling all this energy, receiving so much, and experiencing so much synchronicity. Here you just walk down the hall — inhale — and there it is! It's just amazing, and I am most grateful."
- Barbara Holland
"I feel a real sense of the historical value of this conference. I think that what is happening here will be remembered for many years to come. I have the feeling that this will birth some wonderful things, because the people here are so wonderfully imaginative and openminded. I look forward to what will come from this event."
- Madeline Nold, PhD
"I've come from London to be at this conference. I came with a mild prejudice toward science and scientists, and what has impressed me has been the humility and modesty of a lot of the scientists here. It's as if I have been able to re-integrate, or take in a part of myself that I've rejected. It's been very moving to be here."
-Kieran Linnane, Homeopathic physician
"Gratitude is extended to The Message Company for providing a professional and friendly environment where contemporaries were able to come together to discuss the old, the new, and the potential of synthesis. These discussions (and synthesis) are no longer a luxury, but a necessity."
- Joyce Shafer, research writer
"I just want to say thank you to the people who created this conference, and the opportunity to be a part of it. I look at this as a gift."
- Connie Giffin
"I am so glad that I made the choice to attend this event. This has been a magnificent opportunity for me, personally, to meet some really wonderful people, to do some networking, to see the depth of work that is going on in these fields right now, and to see that there are so many talented, loving people out there doing such great work. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I am very grateful for this experience."
- Dave Thomas
"I have been to a lot of conferences and I have never run across such a bunch of amazing people as I have here."
- Belle Star Hillhouse
"I found here a pathway to God that I can actually connect with."
- Bill Taylor
"I feel very privileged to be taking the energy and consciousness that's been here this week, back to Australia. I feel very privileged, because it's been so very much of a heart experience for me. Thank you, everyone."
- Susan Bannerman
"As a young engineer, I had the opportunity to be responsible for a major part of the Apollo program. At the time, I knew it was a spiritual task as well as an engineering task. I still work for NASA. The work I do today is trying to truly integrate the psyche and the cosmos. I gave two talks here, and I was so influenced between the first and the second that I took my notes for the second talk and literally threw them away and spent most of the time telling stories."
- Ken Cox, PhD, NASA
"I thought it was a wonderful, wonderful conference — all the presentations, all the speakers, the morning events, and then afterwards, the evening events with all the wonderful music and dancing. I've never been to such an event. It's been so much fun."
- Annette Welch
"Thank you for the great conference! I've been to many conferences all over and I can say without hesitation yours is by far the best. I have many memories which I share all around."
- Dale Pond, author, Physics of Love
"For about 27 years, I've been sharing with people a pathway to God, as a minister. To come to a conference like this, and find so many people who share the same basic path, is a wonderful opening for me, to see how many of us there are. Thank you for being part of my life."
- Dr. Robert Henderson, Minister, Science of Mind Center
"I am from Mexico. I just want to say that I come from the human sciences and that because of this conference, I have never felt more human in my life."
- Jeanette Hamui
The comments below are from the:
International Conference on Sacred Sexuality ™,
Shamanism ™, and Enlightenment ™
"I enjoyed the quality, the brilliance, and the accessibility of the presenters. I learned more about relationships, cultural history, sexuality and shamanism in four days than I would have ever expected. I was constantly engaged throughout the conference and felt sorry to have it end."
- Rhea Goodman, Radio Host, Living Juicy
"Loved La Fonda as a conference location — it offers so much more than space. And so many unbelievably great presenters — what a lineup! I liked the blending of the different tracks — to be able to jump from Enlightenment to Shamanism — from the non-dual to the dark primal. I'm totally satisfied!"
- Linley Solari
"Thank you for a wonderful experience and a delightfully profound collaboration! The experience was magnificent, and the participants and presenters and hosts were equally so! Thank you again for a very special experience."
- Merilyn Tunneshende. author, Don Juan and the Art of Sexual Energy
"You are marketing to a cutting edge group of people, the very front of the wave. You are providing a very important service by giving a place to unite, compare notes, argue with each other, teach each other, and learn from each other."
- Margo Gray
"I loved the mix of listening, learning, participating, fun, music and dance. The labyrinth was a great finale. Wish I could take it all home with me."
- Anonymous
"Thanks for such an excellent, broad spectrum conference and topics! This is the best conference I have attended in 40 years of such!"
- Will Penna
"What a pleasure! What a gift we have been to each other this week. This has been the best conference I've ever been to. I feel so complete."
- Sianna Heart
"I look forward to this work rippling over the whole world. Thank you so much to all the organizers. You've done a fantastic job."
- Barbara Meiklejohn-Free
"Like the empty glass that became full in our session yesterday, the pebble has been dropped and we are the first ripple in the pond. Let's take this out to the rest of the world."
- Raven Eagle
"I received inspiration in such abundance. The range and the quality of the experience here was really profound. I feel very blessed and so happy that I came here."
-Cullene Lang
"I'm so grateful for this energy that reaches everyone and every country."
- Jane Ellen Lawton, Australia
"I really liked the experiential workshops — practical knowledge that I can apply in my life."
- Anonymous
"Thank you very much. Before I came here my heart had been weary. Now I feel that it has opened up."
- Gusti Granzella
"I know that there are wonderful people everywhere, but I have never seen so many in one place at one time!"
- Dick Halgren
"We experienced awesome presenters, awesome conversations, wonderful drumming, wonderful dancing, wonderful sharing."
- Joanie Johnson
"Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed the time at the conference. Thank you for all the good work you do in the world to help so many."
- Angeles Arrien, author, The Four-Fold Way
"We especially enjoyed that the conference was on our wedding anniversary. What a joy to spend it here."
- Adyashanti and Annie
"As a marriage and family counselor, I received your brochure (along with at least 5 other conference brochures that week). This one caught my attention!! I loved the drumming, the dancing, the chanting, the healing, the journeying, the blending of it all together. Wonderful!"
- Anonymous
"I met some amazing people and formed some new lasting friendships. Thank you for a peak experience!'
- Stephanie Greene, New Mexico
"Thank you for all of your work and dedication in bringing forth such a wonderful event. I had a marvelous experience. Please convey my thanks and appreciation to all of the staff and volunteers who I know worked so hard and with such love to produce this wonderful Conference."
- Robert Rabbin, author, The Silence Beyond the Mind
"The workshops were all so appealing that it was hard to choose. All the topics were of great interest to me. I had an indescribably profound experience."
- Anonymous
"A great experience. Caution! It may be life transforming."
- Bruno Cortis, MD
"I enjoyed my experience thoroughly, learned quantumly and loved, and was loved, continuously. Thanks so much."
- Nancy Shneiderman
"Thank you for a really uplifting and challenging conference, one which I hope we can attend again in the future. I highly recommend it to everyone who is drawn to exploring the most exciting aspects of human consciousness. They will find it is not so strange as they think, and even more beneficial than they imagine. You can quote me on that!"
- Gregory Wheeler, PhD
"This experience has allowed me, for the very first time, to acknowledge and accept the altered states I visit and the psychic intuition I posses. I feel extremely liberated! Thank you."
- Juanzetta Flowers
"I just wanted to thank all of you for the river of love that has pervaded this event and the hearts of everybody I've met, everybody I've talked to. I've not heard a grumbling word at any time. It's been a pouring forth of love."
- Anonymous
"I think the selection of speakers you had was excellent, and it was NOT ALL LECTURES! The experiential workshops were an integral
part of exploring this new frontier. To be able to try new things and compare notes with like-minded people was an incredible opportunity."
"The speakers were terrific — they really knew their subjects. All seemed to be absolutely at the ‘cutting edge' of their field."
- Don Lenert
"Your dedication to spiritual principles and practices through the conferences is a beautiful and valuable gift to the community. Thanks for doing what you do."
- Eric Kaufmann
"This conference was far superior to typical ‘academic' conferences."
- Robert White
"I loved the location, subjects, speakers, attendees, community! Very satisfied!"
- Anonymous
"I've had a wonderful experience. The conference actually surpassed my expectations. I'm so pleased to be here."
- Anonymous
"Getting to meet so many like-minded folks all in one place was fabulous! This was a very impactful event for me."
- Dara Fogel
"I want to thank you all for showing me the power of a group. Thank you."
- Dixie Verghis
"This is the best conference I've ever been to."
- Stephanie