The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, Sound Healing, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business. We also host Business Spirit Journal Online, which offers information, inspiration and resources for anyone who wants to be more conscious, spiritual and whole in their business or place of work. Our extensive A/V library features many of the leading thinkers, movers and shakers who are on the leading edges of a silent yet profound cultural transformation. The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, Sound Healing, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business.

Confirmed Presenters

Joshua Leeds full bio

Joshua Leeds, author, The Power of Sound and Sonic Alchemy, music producer, Essential Sound Series, The Listening Program, The Sound Health Series, and Sound Body/Sound Mind, Instructor, Institute of Psychoacoustics.

Workshop: Music, Sex & Chocolate: Finding Balance in an Over-Stimulated World

PreConference All-day Workshop: Psychoacoustics for Musicians and Healthcare Professionals: How to Produce and Apply Therapeutic Soundtracks

Jill Purce full bio

Jill Purce, pioneered the sound healing movement through her rediscovery of ancient vocal techniques, introduced Mongolian overtone chanting to the West, author, The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul

Keynote: The Healing Voice: Resonance and Liberation Through Sound

Workshop: The Healing Voice: Ritual, Resonance and Re-enchantment

Post Conference Workshop: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 16 - 19 The Healing Voice Intensive and Ritual and Resonance: The Healing Voice

Fabien Maman full bio

Fabien Maman, acupuncturist, (created system using tuning forks instead of needles on acupuncture points), conducted revolutionary biology showing the impacts of acoustic sound on human cells (found that acoustic sounds could explode cancer cells as well as energize and empower healthy ones), founder, Academy of Sound, Color and Movement, discovered musical scales that correspond with seasons, elements, meridians, chakras and subtle bodies, created Tama-Do Sound instruments to "shatter" negative patterns and bring harmony to the energy field, author, The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century. Raising Human Frequencies, The Body as a Harp: Sound and Acupuncture, and Healing with Sound, Color and Movement composer, musician, Resonance of Ancestral Memories and A Winter Soulstice Harmonizing Concert.

Keynote: From Star to Cell: A Sound Structure for the Twenty-First Century

Workshop: Healing the Aura with Musical Instruments Around the Body

Evening Event: Autumn Seasonal Harmonizing Concert with Fabien Maman and friends

Jonathan Goldman Mmus, PhD full bio

Jonathan Goldman, author, Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics, Shifting Frequencies and The Lost Chord, musician, composer, Dolphin Dreams, Sacred Gateways, Trance Tara, Medicine Buddha, Chakra Chants, Ultimate Om and Holy Harmony, director, Sound Healers Association

Workshop: Healing Sounds: Vowels as Mantras

Evening Event: Tara Trance Dance

Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT full bio

Silvia Nakkach, MA, MMT, has cultivated a voice that transports listeners into the heart of devotion. She is a pioneer in the field of sound and transformation of consciousness, an award-winning composer, psychologist, recording artist, Amazonia Insight opera, Ah, The Healing Voice and others, coauthor, Music and the Human Process, Music in Human Adaptation, The Transpersonal Consciousness and Music Therapy at the End of Life, and an internationally recognized singer and voice-culturist. She holds Master Degrees in Psychology, Music Therapy, and Music Composition, and she has studied raga singing and classical Indian music with Ali Akbar Khan for 24 years.

Keynote: Embracing the Shamanic, the Mystical, and the Scientific Dimensions of Sound

Workshop: Who is Singing? The Role of Sound in Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening

James D'Angelo MMus, PhD full bio

James D'Angelo, MMus, PhD Music composition, author, The Healing Power of the Human Voice, composer, pianist, Portraits of Krishna.

Workshop: The Healing Power of the Human Voice

John Reid full bio

John Reid, acoustics engineer from England, inventor of the CymaScope, a 21st century electro-acoustics device, researching how sound creates form through vocal sound, natural sound, music, sacred language and how sound is influenced by sacred space, author, Egyptian Sonics.

Workshop: The True Nature of Sound

Susan Hale full bio

Susan Hale, music therapist, author, Song and Silence: Voicing the Soul and Sacred Space - Sacred Sound

Workshop: Exploring Sacred Space and Sound

Sharry Edwards full bio

Sharry Edwards, Director, Sound Health Research Institute, author, Decloaking Pathogens with Low-Frequency Sound, researcher, Human BioAcoustics.

Workshop: Vocal Codes: Doorway to a New Medicine

Dorrine Davis, MA, CC-A, FAAA full bio

Dorrine Davis, MA, CC-A, FAAA, Educational and Rehabilitative Audiologist, founder, The Davis Center for Hearing, Speech and Learning, associate, BioAcoustics Research, certified practitioner in Berard Auditory Integration Training, Tomatis, Fast ForWord Language, The Listening Program, Read-Spell-Comprehend, Samonas, Interactive Metronome, Earobics, Lipreading, Aural Rehabilitation and other sound-based therapies, author, Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy and Every Day a Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy.

Workshop: Exploring Sound-based Therapies for Learning, Development and Wellness

Master Charles Cannon full bio

Master Charles Cannon, originator, Synchronicity Experience, applies state of the art vibrational entrainment technology and brain research to the science of meditation and holistic lifestyle, author, The Bliss of Freedom.

Workshop: Modern Spirituality and the Technologies of Now

Wilbert Alix full bio

Wilbert Alix, TranceDance and Soul Hunting, contemporary application of ancient healing rituals

Evening Event: TranceDance Ritual — Entering Our Body-Mind Consciousness

Workshop: Sound Healing and the TranceDance Ritual

Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD full bio

Pat Moffitt Cook is the founder and director of the Open Ear Center. She is a pioneer in the use of cross-cultural sound and music. Her doctoral work in music paralleled extensive practical training and certification in Auditory Stimulation and Sensory Integration (Tomatis Method, LiFT) and in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Author, Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures: Shaman, Jhankri and Nele, Open Ear Journal, Brainwaves Symphony.

Keynote: The Power of "Belief" in Crosscultural Sound Healing Methods

Workshop: Applications of Crosscultural Healing Sounds and Music in Western Health Care

Ellen Franklin, PhD full bio

Ellen Franklin, PhD, co-founder, International Institute of Harmonic Living, Senior Faculty, author, Acutonics Healing System.

Workshop: Acutonics: The Music of the Spheres, Planetary Archetypes, Correspondences and Healing Applications

Donna Carey, PhD, LAc
full bio

Donna Carey, PhD, LAc, co-creator, Acutonics Healing System, co-founder, Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, author

Workshop: Acutonics: The Music of the Spheres, Planetary Archetypes, Correspondences and Healing Applications

Debbie Rosas and Carlos Rosas full bio

Debbie and Carlos created the Nia Technique, a barefoot, energetic, dynamic healing movement technique, which blends three forms of dance arts, three forms of martial arts, and three forms of somatic therapeutic arts. They are authors and movement teachers and reside in Portland, Oregon, where they teach daily Nia classes. They  lecture, write on health, fitness and wellness topics and create body/mind products. Debbie and Carlos travel internationally to conduct Nia student/teacher trainings and workshops. To date over 3000 people have trained in the Nia Technique, 1000 of whom have become licensed teachers.

Morning Classes: Nia Technique

Workshop: Vocal Sounding, Emotions and Free Dancing

Cynthia Snodgrass full bio

Cynthia Snodgrass, musicologist, practitioner of sacred  sound and Sanskrit, founder, Sacred Sound Institute, author, The Sonic Thread: Sound as a Pathway to Spirituality.

Workshop: Sanskrit: Sacred Weavings of Ritual Sound

Christine Stevens, MT-BC, MSW full bio

Christine Stevens, MA Music Therapy, author, The Art and Heart of Drum Circles, creator, The Healing Drum Kits, consultant to Remo (the world's largest drum company), trains health-care professionals in HealthRHYTHMS group drumming protocol, consultant, Percussive Arts Society, advisor, Drum Circle Facilitators Guild

Keynote: The Heart Beat of Wellness

Workshop: The Healing Drum: The Rhythms of Life, Spirit and the World

John Beaulieu ND, PhD full bio

John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, composer, pianist, is the founder of BioSonic Repatterning and the author of Music and Sound in the Healing Arts and numerous research articles on Sound Healing. He is a recognized pioneer in the field of Sound Healing and teaches throughout the world. Dr. Beaulieu currently oversees molecular research on sound and the healing effects of tuning forks. Dr. Beaulieu brings real clinical experience to his sessions. He served as the supervisor of Music Therapy at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, as Associate Professor at City University of New York, and has practiced sound healing, counseling and natural medicine for over thirty five years.

Workshop: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

Jacotte Chollet full bio

Jacotte Chollet, producer, 50 documentary films presenting ancient civilizations and leading edge researchers, founder, Institute for Development and Expansion of Consciousness, sound energy explorer, developer of Multidimensional Music, creator, vibrational music inducing quantum journeys in altered states of consciousness, multidimensional self-healing, DNA activation, cellular communication, bio energetic field restructuration, hemispheric synchronization.

Workshop: A Scientific Survey of the Consciousness Expanding and Healing Effect of Multidimensional Music

Workshop: Experiential Journey into the Quantum Self: What is Our Real Identity?

Andi Goldman, MA, LPC full bio

Andi Goldman, MA, LPC, is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in holistic counseling and sound therapy. She is the co-director of the SoundHealers Association and Director of the Healing Sounds Seminars. Andi is the developer of Tele-Counsel, the nation's first telephone counseling service specifically offering homebound clients structured counseling. She has been an educator at international schools in Japan, Germany, and Indonesia and has lived and traveled extensively throughout the world. She is a musician, teacher, sound healer, and wife and partner of Jonathan Goldman. Together, Jonathan and Andi have dedicated their lives to the path of service, helping awaken and empower others with the ability of sound to heal and transform.

Evening Event: Tara Trance Dance

John Diamond, MD, DPM full bio

John Diamond, MD, DPM, pioneer in alternative and holistic medicine, Fellow, Royal Australian College of Psychiatry, Fellow, International Academy of Preventive Medicine, author, MD, Your  Body Doesn't Lie, Life Energy in Music, Wellspring of Music, The Heart of Music, Life Enhancement Through Music, and 12 other books.

Workshop: The Role the Unconscious Plays in the Healing Power of Music

Kurt Leland full bio

Kurt Leland, composer, clarinetist, author, Music and the Soul: A Listener's Guide to Achieving Transcendent Musical Experiences.

Workshop: Transcendent Musical Experiences: The Yoga of Listening

Jeff Strong full bio

Jeff Strong, founder, REI Institute, creator Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention for people with neurological disorders, author, AD/HD for Dummies and 7 other books.

Workshop: The Art and Science of Healing with Rhythm

Trillium Marimba Ensemble full bio

Special Evening Event: Concert and Dance: Music of Zimbabwe with Peter & Mikaela Swing.

Special Evening Event: Concert and Dance: Music of Zimbabwe

Sita Jamieson full bio

Sita Jamieson, musician, singer, recording artist, Presence: Chants of Sacred Power, has performed with Krishna Das, Ram Das, and Baghavan Das

Morning Classes: Sound Healing and Chanting

Greg Tamblyn full bio

Greg Tamblyn, musician, songwriter, recording artist, Shootout at the I'm OK, You're OK Corral, and others

Conference Weaver/MC:

Evening Concert: Humor, Laughter, Love, and Healing: A Sideways Overview

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