The Message Company
4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Ph: 505-474-0998
Fax: 505-471-2584
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The Second International
Sound Healing Conference
Creative and Applied Sound Work
November 8 - 12, 2007
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
The Second International Sound Healing Conference will be held in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. Come and join the leading-edge researchers, practitioners, scientists, composers, musicians and recording artists in the fascinating and fast-growing fields of sound healing, vibrational medicine, music therapy and body/mind/brain/spirit research. More than just a conference, this event is a celebration with music, dancing, singing, chanting, experiential workshops and, of course, intensive learning sessions.
There is a resurgence of interest in the ancient practices of sound and vibrational healing. Forward-thinking hospitals, clinics, schools, businesses and hospices around the world are integrating these practices into their institutions.
The array of sound healing applications is extensive.
Conference admission includes:
• 3 Concurrent tracks over 4 full days
• Bookstore and booksignings
• Networking area
• Exhibit hall
• Demonstration area for the latest technology
• 5 nights of concerts, dances and other incredible events.
Bring your drums and other instruments and join in spontaneous soul jams.
Our host facility is the historic La Fonda on the plaza in beautiful
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Register now and reserve your seat with special early discount rates.
Register Now!
Or Call us to Register at 505-474-0998
Some of the many Sound Healing Applications:
Stress Reduction
Pain Control
Increase Circulation
Sound Surgery (Break Up Gallstones, Kidney Stones, Dental Plaque)
Birthing Assistance
Death Transition
Medication Reduction
Acupressure Point Stimulation
Treatment Room Ambiance
Neuro Development Remediation
Productivity Enhancement
Auditory Biofeedback
Learning Acceleration
Increase Concentration
Neurophone (Ultrasonic Neural Stimulation)
Computer Voice Analysis
Hydroacoustic Therapy
Consciousness Raising
Sound Massage
Trance States
Shamanic Rituals
Chakra Balancing
Rhythmic Entrainment
Brainwave Entrainment
Hemispheric Synchronization
Root Frequency Entrainment
Sound Therapy (Tomatis, Berard, Etc.)
Music Therapy
Auditory Integration
Tibetan Bowls
Crystal Bowls
Tuning Forks
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4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Phone: 505-474-0998
Fax: 505-471-2584
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