John Beaulieu ND, PhD
John is the founder of BioSonic Repatterning and the author of Music and Sound in the Healing Arts and numerous research articles on Sound Healing. He is a recognized pioneer in the field of Sound Healing and teaches throughout the world. Dr. Beaulieu currently oversees molecular research on sound and the healing effects of tuning forks. Dr. Beaulieu brings real clinical experience to his sessions. He served as the supervisor of Music Therapy at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, as Associate Professor at City University of New York, and has practiced sound healing, counseling and natural medicine for over thirty five years.
Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
This program teaches a model of energy medicine based on sound and its practical applications in the healing arts. Topics include the history of sound healing, the study of wave phenomena, sound and molecular science, sonic anatomy, the body as a wave of sound, and tuning forks as superconscious psychotherapy.
You will learn the theory and practice of healing with Pythagorean tuning forks through direct experience and special group exercises. Other topics include the techniques of ear reception, point stimulation, overtone healing, the alchemy of mind, the art of still point, cranial anatomy, sonic fields, chaos theory, and sacred geometry.
The science of nitric oxide and its relationship to rhythm, stress, trauma, and the disease process will be discussed in depth. Special emphasis will be given to the sonic activation of opiate molecules within the brain ventricles and the accent of consciousness.
Numerous case studies from normal practice as well as working with children, relationships, psychiatric disorders, and addictions will be presented.
You will acquire a foundation of sound healing based on an energy medicine paradigm.
Learning Objectives:
You will recognize how to select tuning forks for healing,
You will review three techniques for sounding tuning forks, and
You will identify how to use tuning forks for self healing and healing others.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Ballroom 2:00pm to 4:30pm