Don Campbell
Don Campbell is a musician, teacher and researcher on the effects of sound and music on health, memory and consciousness. He has authored 17 books including The Mozart Effect and Harmony of Health. Don is the Director of Acoustic Activities for Aesthetic Audio Systems, which provides quality music to healthcare facilities. He is currently on the board of the American Music Research Center and Advisory Board of the Society of Arts in Healthcare.
The Spectrum of the Sonic Thread: Applying Color and Imagery to Music's Healing Powers
Friday, November 10, 2006
Ballroom 9:00am to 4:30pm
Music has the ability to transform the brain, body and emotions.
In this all-day program, color will be explored as a companion to
the many levels of listening.
You will explore the use of colored symbols for relaxation and states of health, rejuvenation and therapy. Techniques for using imagery
with music will be given for the practical applications being used in contemporary healthcare. Learn how to choose music from ambient, jazz and classical styles for healing. This is an experiential workshop and some of the exercises will be used from Don Campbell's newest book, The Harmony of Health.
Click here to register for All-Day Pre-Conference Workshop with Don Campbell - The Spectrum of the Sonic Thread
The Structure and Power of Music's Healing Power
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Ballroom 9:15am to 10:15am
Join Don for an update in the ways music can assist creative
caregiving by exploring the architecture of sound that serves as an essential tool for time-space perception. From jazz to ambient, from filtered sounds to
classical orchestrations, music serves to create a vital bridge to bring harmonic environments to homes, hospitals, automobiles and schools. Learn how to use the power of improvisation, as well as the sonata form, to assist musicians and therapeutic practitioners improve their healing art. And, learn personal
guidelines for stress reduction and creativity.
Nutrition and Sound
Sunday, November 12
Ballroom 10:45am to 12 noon
A balanced diet of sound is essential for attentiveness, concentration,
relaxation and stimulation. In this program, we will explore the powers of
rhythms and frequencies that modify health and consciousness. Just because music is sweet, soft and slow does not necessarily mean it is good for you. By
understanding the anatomy of sound and how the ear assimilates it, we can make very important choices in the environment, home and healthcare setting.
Beginning with self-generated sounds, we will explore practical applications of
the voice. Then we will proceed to explore musical forms, styles and ways of
creating healthy sounds with music and the electronic ear.
To learn and experience the nutritional value of tone color, rhythm,
harmony and melody. By understanding the anatomy of music, it is easy to
describe what is helpful to maintain energy, reduce stress and enjoy the powers of music through posture and movement. This session will demonstrate how the voice and filtered music can improve health and wellbeing.
Learning Objectives:
- Analyze the components of music that are important in healthcare
- Understand how the voice is a primary tool for expression and stress
reduction and how the voice reflects the health of the body
- Understand the basic components of filtered music and how selected
auditory stimulation is being used in education and healthcare.