Pat Moffitt Cook, PhD
Dr. Cook is the founder and director of the Open Ear Center. She is a pioneer in the use of cross-cultural sound and music in healthcare. Her doctoral work in music paralleled extensive practical training and certification in Auditory Stimulation and Sensory Integration (Tomatis Method, LiFT) and in Guided Imagery and Music (GIM).
For over 25 years, Pat has traveled extensively throughout the world recording and participating in musical rituals and the daily life of other cultures. She studied six years with a Chinese/Indonesian grand master of martial and healing arts in Indonesia. She has continued to work with a North Indian Hindu village healer in India since 1994.
Pat is a teacher, clinician and author. She presents applications of sound technology, auditory stimulation, music and imagery, and on indigenous music in healing traditions.
In addition to numerous published articles and book chapters, Pat is the author and producer of the book and CD entitled Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures: Shaman, Jhankri and Nele and also Open Ear Journal and Brainwave Symphony.
The Power of "Belief" in Crosscultural Sound Healing Methods
Each culture constructs explanatory systems to understand and deal with disease and suffering. Through the ages, people from a wide array of circumstances and cultures have scientifically and systematically employed melodic chant, songs, musical instruments and the manipulation of musical elements (rhythm, melody, overtones, polyphony, heterophony, timbres, tempos, dynamics) as tools and remedies for diagnosing and treating physical, mental and spiritual illnesses. Success in alleviating pain and suffering, assisting in the dying process, and stimulating self-possession and reconciliation with a supreme creative being has motivated ancient and contemporary societies and their healers to continue employing musical healing methods within their local healing practices. This presentation explores the element of belief as an energetic agent in traditional and contemporary crosscultural sound therapies and music healing practices.
This presentation explores the element of "belief" as an energetic "agent" in traditional and contemporary crosscultural sound therapies and music healing practices.
Learning Objectives:
Learn about sound healing methods of other cultures,
Consider belief as an energetic agent in sound healing, and
Examine crosscultural psycho-social and spiritual components that promote and enhance sound healing sessions
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Ballroom 9:00am to 10:15am
Applications of Crosscultural Healing Sounds and Music in Western Health
This experiential program is an exploration into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual responses to cross-cultural healing sounds, music and world instruments. Through individual and dyad exercises, you will investigate the therapeutic effects of acoustical, musical and psycho-social and spiritual elements that create and construct a healing session. Pat will demonstrate how sound and music are used as diagnostic tools, healing agents and connectors to spiritual domains in Western health care.
Expand awareness of scope and effectiveness of crosscultural sound and music in Western health care.
Learning Objectives:
To broaden our understanding of how multicultural and ethnic patient populations respond to sound and music healing repertoires and various applications,
Examine the musical and psycho-social and spiritual components that construct a musical healing session, and
Learn practical sound and music applications for self-health and self maintenance
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Ballroom 10:45am to 12 noon