Donna Carey, PhD, LAc
Donna is co-founder of the International Institute of Harmonic Medicine and co-creator of the Acutonics® Healing System. She is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, sound healer, and educator. She was Clinical Dean of the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine where she created and administered more than 14 profitable inter-disciplinary community clinics and integrated the Acutonics Healing System into mainstream clinical settings.
A leader in the discovery, development and application of new healing technologies, Donna was awakened to the power of sound after a near death experience, where she heard the Music of the Spheres. She has been in practice for more than a decade, creatively integrating sound and energy medicine into her clinical work, teaching and writing. Donna is co-author of Acutonics: the Planets, from Galaxies to Cells and Acutonics: There's No Place Like Ohm, Sound Healing and Oriental Medicine and the Cosmic Mysteries.

Ellen Franklin, PhD
Ellen is co-founder of the International Institute of Harmonic Medicine, CEO of the Kairos Institute of Sound Healing, and President of Devachan Press. Ellen has directed efforts in human and organizational transformation, publishing and marketing. Her publishing company is dedicated to creating products that promote health, inner harmony and a deeper understanding of Sound Healing, Harmonic Medicine, and Energy Medicine. A Certified Practitioner and Teacher of the Acutonics System of Healing and Education, Ellen is currently at work on a new book and training program for Equine Acutonics.
Acutonics: The Music of the Spheres: Planetary Archetypes, Correspondences and Healing Applications
This workshop explores the impact of the planets on human physiology, psychology and behavior. Through our examination of the Music of the Spheres in Western and Oriental Medical Science, history, philosophy and art participants will be introduced to a modern methodology for using the powerful frequencies, correspondences, and musical intervals of the planets directly on acupuncture points, organ systems, and points of pain. Through clinical theater we will demonstrate some powerful protocols that are being integrated into clinical practices around the globe. This workshop is appropriate for both practitioners and lay people who have an interest in learning about a non-invasive sound healing modality.
To explore the basic principals and specific techniques of a sound healing methodology that is rooted in Oriental Medicine and to provide a practical understanding of a non-invasive, innovative care model that is being integrated into a wide variety of clinical practices, hospitals and hospice care.
Learning Objectives:
To explore the philosophy, cosmology, scientific, and mystical roots of Harmonic Medicine,
To discuss the energetics, cellular memory and foundations of healing with sound,
To discuss the role of planetary archetypes, myth, medical correspondence, cycles, frequency and musical intervals that are created by working with planetary frequencies and their specific attributes in healing, and
To discuss how key points are identified and accessed along the meridians for asthma, cancer support, to reduce pain and nausea, stabilize blood pressure, pulse and respiration, bring patient to homeostasis, and provide compassionate care to the dying.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Santa Fe Room 10:45 am to noon
[email protected]