The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, Sound Healing, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business. We also host Business Spirit Journal Online, which offers information, inspiration and resources for anyone who wants to be more conscious, spiritual and whole in their business or place of work. Our extensive A/V library features many of the leading thinkers, movers and shakers who are on the leading edges of a silent yet profound cultural transformation. The Message Company produces international conferences on consciousness in the fields of science, Sound Healing, sound healing, sacred sexuality, and business.

Jonathan Goldman

Jonathan Goldman is a musician, writer, and teacher. He is an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. Jonathan is the author of Healing Sounds; The Power of Harmonics; Shifting Frequencies and The Lost Chord. He has studied with masters of sound from both the scientific and spiritual traditions, including the Dalai Lama's Chanting Gyuto and Gyume Monks and has been empowered by the Chant Master of the Drepung Loseling Monastery to teach Tibetan Overtone Chanting.

Jonathan is the director of the Sound Healers Association and president of Spirit Music, which produces music for meditation, relaxation and self-transformation. Jonathan has created numerous cutting edge recordings including: Dolphin Dreams, Sacred Gateways: Drumming and Chanting, Trance Tara and Medicine Buddha. His overtone chanting is heard on Kitaro's Grammy Award winning CD. His latest recordings are Ultimate Om and Holy Harmony.

Healing Sounds: Vowels as Mantras
Chakras are part of the subtle anatomy, a highly refined vibrational interface between Divine energy and the human body. Long known about in Ayurvedic medicine, knowledge of chakras is now entering mainstream medicine. Sound, particularly our own self-created sound, can affect the chakras. Vowels sounds have been considered sacred in many different traditions. In his book, Healing Sounds, Jonathan Goldman describes a system he developed working with specific vowel sounds in order to resonate the physical body and the chakras, bringing them into balance and alignment. In this workshop, Goldman will share this technique with participants so they may experience the embodiment of sacred sound within the body. The results of this will be the activation of the chakras and the ability to experience higher levels of consciousness.

Explore techniques to resonate your physical body and your energy centers through sacred sound in order to create health, wellness and harmony.

Learning Objectives:
• Learn the scientific and spiritual basis of using sounds for healing and transformation,
• Discover how you and your clients can directly experience the transformative power of sound, and
• To empower you on how to use your own self -created sounds for healing.

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ballroom 3:30pm to 5:30pm

Tara Trance Dance
Come join Chant Master Jonathan Goldman and his wife Andi and friends for a special evening sacred celebration of divine energies with chanting, dancing and drumming as we invoke Tara, Tibetan Goddess of Compassion and Protection. Tara, the Mother of the Buddhas, embodies the same energy as the Divine Mother, Quan Yin, the Earth Goddess, Mother Mary, Isis and many other female deities. Through focused intentionality coupled with chanting the sacred mantra for Tara-Om Tara, Tu Tare, Ture Svaha - we will manifest and resonate with the extraordinary energies of Tara. We will bring forth these energies of compassion and protection as we chant and dance together, shifting our frequencies to assist both personal and planetary healing and evolution. The use of mantric chanting coupled with drumming and movement is one of the oldest and most joyous tools for altering and enhancing consciousness.

Note: while this is an extremely entertaining activity, it is not entertainment. It is a powerful and sacred interactive experience which will we co-create together. Please bring your voices, your dancing feet and your open hearts!

To create an interactive experience in which participants will resonate and align with the energies of compassion.

Learning Objectives:
• To learn about Tara, Tibetan Goddess of Protection, Healing and Compassion. present an experience to the healing power of self-created sounds,
• To give participants the experience of chanting a mantra for an extended period of time and allow them the benefits of this, and
• To empower participants with how to use their own self created sounds for healing.

Monday, November 13, 2006
Ballroom 8:00m to 10:00pm

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Cutting-Edge Business Training and Self-Study Resources

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The Message Company
4 Camino Azul
Santa Fe, NM 87508 USA
Phone: 505-474-0998
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