Susan Hale
Susan is a music therapist, singer and author of Song and Silence: Voicing the Souland the forthcoming book Sacred Space Sacred Soundabout her research and experiences singing throughout the world including at Chartres Cathedral, Stonehenge, Avebury, Newgrange and the prehistoric cave of Lascaux. Susan has a degree in Creative Arts Therapy and is a Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery. She teaches people how to find and free the natural voice throughout the United States, Britain and Canada. A pioneer in the fields of music therapy, creative arts therapy and sound healing since the mid-70’s she has been at the forefront of exploring music, sound, voice, word and image as healing arts. As Director of the Songkeeper Apprenticeship she has acted as a midwife to access the hidden voices of her students. Susan’s background as a trainer in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music, a Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery and teacher of Archetypal Psychology grounds her in guiding people through mythic realities for personal growth and creative exploration. She is an innovative and dynamic leader whose joy and sensitivity help even the shyest people to express themselves more authentically. She has led pilgrimages to sacred sites in Britain and the Southwest.
Exploring Sacred Space and Sound
Sunday, November 12
Santa Fe Room 10:45aam to 12 noon
Journey to sacred sites through a lecture and slide show to discover sound's relationship to space, the sacred architecture of the voice and its role in achieving altered states of consciousness. Susan reveals the musical mysteries of the prehistoric cave of Lascaux, Chartes Cathedral, the Great Pyramid of Giza and Rosslyn Chapel.
The goal of this program is to establish a link between sacred space and sound through slides images and lecture.
You will:
* Discover the unique properties of each sacred space,
* Gain an understanding of how sound and space affect consciousness, and
* Examine how different cultures and religions approach sound and sacred