Kurt Leland, Mmus
Kurt is the author of four books, the most recent being Music and the Soul: A Listener's Guide to Achieving Transcendent Musical Experiences. He is a composer, clarinetist, channeler, and award-winning poet. He maintains a counseling practice called "Spiritual Orienteering." Kurt has coined the term Transcendent Musical Experiences (TMEs) to describe the mystical states that all types of music from classical to jazz, rock and world may produce in listeners. TMEs run the gamut from being moved to tears to feeling a sense of Oneness with the All. The Yoga of Listening developed in Music and the Soul is designed to help composers, performers and listeners achieve deeper and more frequent TMEs.
Transcendent Musical Experiences: The Yoga of Listening
Transcendent Musical Experiences (TMEs) are peak or mystical experiences associated with listening to music. They run the gamut from feelings of being deeply moved to inner peace, bliss, or an ecstatic sense of oneness with all. TMEs advance our healing and spiritual growth. By aligning ourselves with the states of consciousness encoded in music, a process called the Yoga of Listening, we can deepen our TMEs to promote healing and growth in ourselves and others.
This experiential program introduces you to the Yoga of Listening.
Learning Objectives:
Identify Transcendent Musical Experiences (TMEs),
Open yourself and others to TMEs, and
Identify the music best suited for emotional and spiritual healing and growth.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Ballroom 10:45am to 12 noon