Comments From Participants at past International Conferences on Science and Consciousness
“This conference has been a wonderful experience for me. I can’t recall a single conference where I went to more sessions and stayed longer in my life. The Message Company has gone to great trouble in assembling quite remarkable human beings.”
- Don Beck, PhD, author, Spiral Dynamics
“I am asked to present at a wide variety of conferences throughout the world and I usually stay to hear what other presenters have to say. I must say that of them all, I look forward the most to the Science and Consciousness Conference because it has the highest quality of interesting speakers that bring an expertise to their presentations that is most stimulating. I always learn something new and amazing with which to regale my friends when I return home.”
- Leonard Shlain, MD, author, The Alphabet vs. the Goddess
“It strikes me that this has been a significant event for a number of reasons. As a person who has been working in the field of consciousness for 30 years or so, I regard this event as a landmark. This is the first time that the new scientific vision of consciousness presented by serious people researching in the field has been presented to a public audience.
“There has been a tendency for conferences that have the name science in the title to be very much in the head, and to have a kind of competitive edge, which scientists often have. But this event was very whole, very heart centered and very much needed by our culture at this time. An important seed has been planted here.
“I personally feel very proud and happy to be part of this and I am looking forward to coming back year after year, because it seems to me that something has changed, the zeitgeist is different, and this conference is symbolic of that.”
- Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, President, Intuition Network
“As the consciousness of one person is changed, so the counsciousness of the world is changed. The Science and Consciousness Conference was a life-changing experience for me. The level of professionalism of the presenters was astounding; the sense of community was so vital. There are no words to describe the depth of my experience. At the closing ceremony, tears began to stream down my face. I didn't want it to end. People — from all walks of life, from all races and religions, from all over the country. . . the world. . . coming together with one great intent — in harmony and love. Imagine a world like this. We are the leaders we have been waiting for. Thanks.”
- Nancy Nordyke
“I certainly enjoyed the conference; it was unprecedented in covering this important, emerging topic. For all the conferences I’ve attended through the years, which are many, I have never seen so many others’ presentations because the program was such a deep, informative and stimulating one.”
- Brian O’Leary, PhD, author and former NASA astronaut
“I feel a real sense of the historical value of this conference. I think that what is happening here will be remembered for many years to come. I have the feeling that this will birth some wonderful things, because the people here are so wonderfully imaginative and open minded. I look forward to what will come from this event.”
- Madeline Nold, PhD
“Hands down the most relevant and remarkable conference anywhere in the cutting-edge quests to discover who we are and why we are here.”
- Mike Masterson, columnist, The Arkansas Democrat Gazette
“I’ve come from London to be at this conference. I came with a mild prejudice toward science and scientists, and what has impressed me has been the humility and modesty of a lot of the scientists here. It’s as if I have been able to re-integrate, or take in a part of myself that I’ve rejected. It’s been very moving to be here.”
- Kieran Linnane, homeopathic physician
“Thank you again for the conference. I think of my experience as ‘mind-shattering.’ At the end of one keynote, I found myself sitting and sobbing . . . from the immensity of what I was taking in.”
- Roberta Cantow
"For about 27 years, I’ve been sharing with people a pathway to God, as a minister. To come to a conference like this, and find so many people, who share the same basic path, is a wonderful opening for me, to see how many of us there are. Thank you for being part of my life."
- Robert Henderson, Minister, Science of Mind Center
“My friend brought a teenager she tutors to the Science and Consciousness Conference. I saw him go from a kid, a teenager, to an adult with intent in a week. He was totally awakened. What if this was what was actually taught in schools?”
- Kirsten Baker, production designer/artist
“Thanks to all of you who put on such an incredible and powerful conference! We were honored to have been a part of it. Next year we will definitely be in attendance for the entire conference!!
- Debra Harris, RN, and Michael Harris, MD
“Scientifically grounded even when the work is at the fringe.”
- Alph Bingham
“When we attended the Science and Consciousness Conference, we had an awesome experience that has changed our lives deeply. We thank you for that. We promised ourselves we would return each year.”
- Kay and Ed Curtis
“Once again, I was honored to be the conference weaver, and once again the imaginary barrier between science and spirituality dissolved a bit more. It does seem just a slight bit strange that we have to have scientific proof that love, compassion and joy are good for us. I guess the thinking is, ‘Well, it works in practice, but does it work in theory?"
- Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda)
“I am so very, very pleased to be a part of this, feeling all this energy, receiving so much, and experiencing so much synchronicity. Here you just walk down the hall — inhale — and there it is! It’s just amazing, and I am most grateful.”
- Barbara Holland
“Thank you so much for the Science and Consciousness Conference. I have told many people what a wonderful and well-conceived conference it was. I have continued to learn and be uplifted as I follow up with the work and the presenters. I very much appreciated the atmosphere of the conference -- relaxed, warm and heartfelt, yet so professional and high quality in content and format.”
- Ruth Turner
“Gratitude is extended to The Message Company for providing a professional and friendly environment where contemporaries were able to come together to discuss the old, the new, and the potential of synthesis. These discussions (and synthesis) are no longer a luxury, but a necessity.”
- Joyce Shafer, research writer
“Thank you for such a superb experience. This conference went beyond my highest expectations. The evening activities and healings interspersed with scientific research was a wonderful integration. I am recommending your conferences to everyone.”
- Kathleen Dittmer
“I just want to say thank you to the people who created this conference, and the opportunity to be a part of it. I look at this as a gift.”
- Connie Giffin
“The conference included wonderful speakers who challenged my thinking and opened me to new paradigms. It had a good mix of active, humorous events to keep us from overdosing on the mental.”
- Dariel Blackburn
“I am so glad that I made the choice to attend this event. This has been a magnificent opportunity for me, personally, to meet some really wonderful people, to do some networking, to see the depth of work that is going on in these fields right now, and to see that there are so many talented, loving people out there doing such great work. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I am very grateful for this experience.”
- Dave Thomas
"I have been to a lot of conferences and I have never run across such a bunch of amazing people as I have here."
- Belle Star Hillhouse
“I feel very privileged to be taking the energy and consciousness that’s been here this week, back to Australia. I feel very privileged, because it’s been so very much of a heart experience for me. Thank you, everyone.”
- Susan Bannerman
“As a young engineer, I had the opportunity to be responsible for a major part of the Apollo program. At the time, I knew it was a spiritual task as well as an engineering task. I still work for NASA. The work I do today is trying to truly integrate the psyche and the cosmos. I gave two talks here, and I was so influenced between the first and the second that I took my notes for the second talk and literally threw them away and spent most of the time telling stories.”
- Ken Cox, PhD, NASA
“I thought it was a wonderful, wonderful conference — all the presentations, all the speakers, the morning events, and then afterwards, the evening events with all the wonderful music and dancing. I’ve never been to such an event. It’s been so much fun."
- Annette Welch
“Thank you for the great conference! I’ve been to many conferences all over and I can say without hesitation yours is by far the best. I have many memories which I share all around.”
- Dale Pond, author, Physics of Love
“I found here a pathway to God that I can actually connect with.”
- Bill Taylor
“I am from Mexico. I just want to say that I come from the human sciences and that because of this conference, I have never felt more human in my life.”
- Jeanette Hamui
“The knowledge base of the speakers was incredible.”
- Emily Millett
“Thank you for the continuing excellence in presenting new levels of integration in the field of science and consciousness.”
- Robert Graetz
“The broad spectrum of people and speakers who attend, and the general atmosphere is great and more positive that a typical scientific conference. This is a very important movement in science today.”
- Scott Goode, PhD
“A stellar group of researchers and speakers.”
- David Perkins
“I left with a sense of hope that we can all make a difference and have a positive influence on the evolutionary process.”
- Hanniah Morgan
“I appreciated the presentation of new ideas, new concepts, views, interpretations, and ideas that expanded our minds. The evening events were excellent, and the morning exercise classes were a nice way of starting the day.”
- Fiona Jucker
“It was a very profound, enlightening, fascinating, and connecting experience.”
- Christina Jaqua
“Being able to hear and have brief discussions with stellar speakers I’ve read and followed for years made this a phenomenal experience.”
- Dianna Butler, PhD
“Just think about the name of this conference. This is the International Conference on Science and Consciousness. These are the most courageous people in the world that they would dare put on this conference. And you have to be pretty courageous to come.”
- Warren Grossman, PhD, author, To be Healed By the Earth
“It was a pleasure to take part in the International Science and Consciousness Conference. Since attending the conference, I’m brimming with ideas. Thank you, again, for the opportunity, allowing me to step into a world of higher thought, conscious living and tremendous adventure.”
- Karen Villanueva
“Hope to see you once again (for the 4th time) in Santa Fe. This conference is terrific.”
- Jeanne Kromhoot (South Africa)
“We thoroughly enjoyed our time at the conference. It was very well organized, inspiring and up lifting. You and your staff are to be commended for helping to create more harmony and healing in the world.”
- Susan Hale, author, Song and Silence
“I attended the conference again this year, for the second time, and I am still feeling the high from it!!!”
- Marilyn Jernigan, HR Coordinator
“The Science and Consciousness Conference was fabulous. I was so happy to be apart of it. Celebrate and pat yourselves on the back. I am thrilled!!!”
- Karen Kalwaic
“I just want to say thank you for a most wonderful and fascinating experience. I loved the conference and thoroughly enjoyed my time in Santa Fe. It was a life-altering and transformational event. Thank you again so very, very much.”
- Libby Smith, PhD, EdD
“Just wanted to say thanks for another great experience! You folks are all absolutely the best to work with. It really does feel like family.”
- Greg Tamblyn
“Thanks for the opportunity to present at the conference. I had a good time in Santa Fe and the presentation was handled very well and very professionally. You all did a very good job!”
- Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, author, Yoga of Time Travel
“Organization was the BEST I’ve seen as a presenter! Thank you. Great Job!”
- Shelley Kaehr, PhD, author, Beyond Reality
“We would like to thank you for your fine organization of this conference.”
- Sam and Karen Butler, (Costa Rica)
“This is the best conference I’ve ever attended. Superb!”
- Bonnie Bostrom
“Amazing conference! Great Speakers and very well organized. Loved the accessibility of the speakers. Great topics. Passionate presentations.”
- David Bradley
“Thanks for such a wonderful experience!”
- Louise Webb
“I loved experiencing the depth and flow of the 5 days. It builds from day one with appropriate breaks from the intensity (humor night, The Village Experience, etc.) It is well-planned. Liked meeting people from all over and bonding as a group for 5 days. Each year we vow we’ll be back next year. Our lives have been enriched so much by these life-changing events.”
- Kay Curtis
“Thanks for a life-changing and life-affirming conference.”
- Diane Malley
“I loved the depth of presenters and presentations. Perhaps the Best/Finest conference in the world (and I’ve attended many, many conference).”
- Marygrace Puchac
“I attended the Science and Consciousness Conference in April and was very impressed with the speakers, the content, the synergy of the audience and your ability to present a thoughtfully organized event about one of the most poignant topics of our time.”
- Andrew Kramer
“Congratulations. It was one of the best-organized conferences and most cheerfully staffed we have ever attended. And the atmosphere of affirmation, curiosity, and caring was a real change of pace from most of the scholarly conferences where we present.”
- Barbara Kerr, PhD
“I wanted to thank you all for your hard work on the Science and Consciousness Conference. It was a great experience. My compliments on a job well done!"
- Suzanne Davies
“Thanks for putting on such a fabulous International Conference on Science and Consciousness! Looking forward to seeing you all again.”
- Sally Owen
“I attended the conference and enjoyed it immensely. I’ve been talking it up quite a bit around here. Thank you very much. And thank you for the very edifying five days of Science and Consciousness.”
- Nancy Barrie-Chivian
“I am one satisfied customer!!! The Science and Consciousness conference was outstanding. The quality of the presenters and caliber of their presentations was remarkable. This conference was the best one that I have attended in the 30+ years that I have been interested in consciousness-related presentations. It was well organized, the world-renowned presenters didn’t seem to be on huge ego trips-I could go on and on. I intend to make this conference an annual event in my life and numerous others I met are planning to do the same. Thank you all for a fabulous conference.”
- Cynthia Ryden, psychologist
“I returned from The Science and Consciousness Conference brimming with renewed enthusiasm, new insights and awe at the amazing quality of speakers and participants. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the skill and wisdom you showed in speaker choice, planning, logistics, hotel choice, - you are extraordinary. There are already two people who want to come with me next year.”
- Lynne Goodhart
“Thank you for inviting me to be part of an extraordinary conference. The presenters were outstanding and the attendees that I met, most engaging. Bravo! Again, my heart is filled with gratitude and joy.”
- Marcia Emery, author, The Energy of Money
“You were right. The Science and Consciousness Conference was absolutely incredible and I am glad I came. Thank you so much for inviting me. And my room at the hotel was perfect! Bless you and The Message Company for your wonderful work. You are making an important difference in this world. Thank you!”
- PMH Atwater, author, Beyond the Indigo Children
“I am writing this message while still at the Science and Consciousness conference because I am excited about the dialogue that your organization is facilitating between different fields and domains all in search of similar answers. Thank you so much for doing it!”
- Tarja Goodwill
“As usual, I enjoyed the conference last week. Well organized.”
- Charles Tart, PhD, author, Living the Mindful Life
“I wish you well on your endeavors and thank you for the good work you are doing in bringing like-minded people together. The whole event is such a positive confirmation of our path.”
- Nancy Wozny
“Thanks for organizing a great conference. I enjoyed my participation very much."
- Paul Von Ward, author, Solarian Legacy
“All was good, pleasant and well organized, the hotel nice and clean and the conference and hotel staffs very professional and helpful.”
- Rogelio Gonzalez