Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox, PhD - Full Bio
author, Original Blessing; The Reinvention of Work; Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet; Reinventing Education, Reinventing the Human, and twenty-five other books, former member, Dominican Order for thirty-four years until expelled by Cardinal Ratzinger, founder Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality, founder, University of Creation Spirituality, recipient, Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award, creator, The Cosmic Mass that mixes dance, techno and live music, DJ, VJ, rap and contemporary art forms with western liturgical tradition
Keynote: The Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine
Workshop: The Return of the Sacred Masculine

Mitchell Gibson
Mitchell Gibson, MD - Full Bio
forensic psychiatrist, clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry, artist, software developer, author, Signs of Mental Illness, Signs of Psychic and Spiritual Ability and Your Immortal Body of Light
Keynote: Introduction to the Primordial Teachings
Workshop: The Primordial Teachings

Jean Houston
Jean Houston, PhD - Full Bio
scholar, philosopher, researcher in Human Capacities, one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement, founder along with her husband Dr. Robert Masters of The Foundation for Mind Research, founder and principal teacher of the Mystery School, dedicated to teaching history, philosophy, New Physics, psychology, anthropology, myth and the many dimensions of human potential, author of 26 published books including, A Passion for the Possible, The Possible Human, Public Like a Frog, A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, The Passion of Isis and Osiris and Jump Time
Keynote: An Inner Space Odyssey: Exploring the Transformative Vision
Workshop: Re-Visioning Ourselves, Transforming Our World

Sam Keen
Sam Keen PhD - Full Bio
subject of Bill Moyer’s PBS special Your Mythic Journey, author, Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man, The Passionate Life, Apology for Wonder, Learning to Fly: Trapeze---Fear, Trust and the Joy of Letting Go and ten other books
Keynote: Consciousness and the Mythology of War
Workshop: Exploring the Moral and Erotic Alternatives to the Warfare System

Raymond Moody
Raymond Moody MD, PhD - Full Bio
leading authority on the near-death experience, author Life After Life and Reunions, lecturer on Near Death Experiences, Death with Dignity, Life After Loss, Re-unions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones, The Loss of Children and many other topics, trains hospice workers, clergy and medical professionals on the dying process
Keynote: New Visions of the Afterlife
Workshop: Rethinking Near Death Experiences

Richard Moss
Richard Moss, MD - Full Bio
spiritual teacher and visionary thinker inspiring changes of consciousness, author, The I That Is We, How Shall I Live, The Second Miracle, Mandala of Being and others.
Keynote: Conscious Dream Work in the Journey of Awakening
Workshop: Symbolic Reality and the Power of Conscious Dream Work

Judith Orloff
Judith Orloff, MD - Full Bio
psychiatrist and intuition expert, author, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life, Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight, synthesizes traditional medicine with intuition, energy, and spirituality
Keynote: Achieving Emotional Freedom: A New Vision of Medicine and Psychiatry
Workshop: Using Your Intuition for Health and Healing

Peter Russell
Peter Russell, DCS - Full Bio
studied mathematics and theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge supervised by Stephen Hawking, author, The Brain Book, The Global Brain Awakens, The Creative Manager, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time and From Science to God, producer, The Global Brain and The White Hole in Time videos
Keynote: Consciousness: Returning to Essence
Workshop: The Essence of Presence
Workshop Speakers:

Nick Arrizza
Nick Arrizza, MD - Full Bio
former psychiatrist and medical doctor, International Life, Executive, Organizational and Spiritual Tele-Coach, author, keynote speaker, trainer, facilitator, on faculty in the Graduate Energy Medicine Program at Akamai University, CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc, developer of the Mind Resonance Process
Workshop: Empowering Intention Through a Re-Alignment With Heart Consciousness

Richard Bartlett
Richard Bartlett, DC, ND
chiropractor and naturopath, creator of Matrix Energetics, consciousness technology that utilizes the principles and science of subtle energy and quantum physics coupled with active imagination and focused intent to produce physically verifiable effects, author Matrix Energetics: The Science & Art of Transformation
Workshop: An Introduction to Matrix Energetics and the Physics of Miracles

Fred Bell
Fred Bell, PhD - Full Bio
Just Cancelled - 3/18/09 Replaced by John Petersen
inventor, author, educated and experienced in the world of Nuclear Physics and the Paranormal, worked for the government on intelligence programs and witnessed mind control programs, ET reverse engineering programs, a career with NASA., founded Pyradyne, and currently hosts a world wide radio program
Workshop: The Inside Track

Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden - Full Bio
geologist, has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to
uncover timeless secrets; author, Awakening to Zero Point, Walking Between the Worlds, The Isaiah Effect, The
God Code and The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief
Special Evening Event: Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and A New World Age

John Demartini
John Demartini, DC - Full Bio
creator, The Breakthrough Experience and The Great Discovery, author, Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love, You Can Have an Amazing Life in Just 60 Days, Beyond Blame, The Heart of Love,, and 20 other books, pioneer on the frontier of human consciousness and an explorer of the ultimate nature of reality
Workshop: Maximizing Human Awareness and Tapping into an Inspiring Hidden Potential

Christian de Quincey
Christian de Quincey, PhD -
Full Bio
Professor of Philosophy and Consciousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University, Dean of Consciousness Studies at University of Philosophical Research, founder, The Wisdom Academy, author, Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter, Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship and Consciousness from Zombies to Angels: The Shadow and The Light of Knowing Who You Are
Workshop: Consciousness: The Shadow and the Light—Seven Steps to Greater Self-Awareness

Master Li Jun Feng
Master Li Jun Feng - Bio and Presentations
master of qigong, focuses on both the physical and spiritual aspects of this ancient practice, former Dean, Medical Qigong Program at the Academy of Oriental Medicine, head of the International Sheng Zhen Society Foundation, former head coach, Chinese National Wushu (martial arts team), martial arts film director, movie star, advisor, World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in China, author, Sheng Zhen Wujiyuan Gong-A Return to Oneness, Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong, Sparring With Long Fists and Single Broad Sword/Spear, and other books
Morning Classes: Sheng Zhen Qigong
Workshop: Awakening the Soul

Laurianne Fiorentino
Laurianne Fiorentino - Full Bio
Laurianne Fiorentino, described as the Georgia O’Keeffe of music, consummate performer and entertainer, received several award nominations, tours internationally
Lunch Concert: Interview with the Planet

James Forleo
James Forleo, DC - Full Bio
chiropractor, educator on spinal biomechanics, applied kinesology, clinical nutrition, muscle testing, total body cleansing and cranial osteopathy, author, Health Is Simple, Disease Is Complicated
Workshop: Multidimensional Health and Healing

Michael Gelb
Michael Gelb - Full Bio
world's leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development, pioneer in the fields of creative thinking, accelerated learning, and innovative leadership, author, How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, Da Vinci Decoded, The Spirit of Leonardo, and co-author of Innovate Like Edison: The Success System of America’s Greatest Inventor
Workshop: The Spirit of Leonardo: Create Your Own Spiritual Renaissance

Amit Goswami
Amit Goswami - Full Bio
professor of physics, pioneer of the new paradigm of science called science within consciousness, author, The Self-Aware Universe, The Visionary Window, Physics of the Soul, Quantum Creativity, The Quantum Doctor and God Is Not Dead, featured in the film What the Bleep Do We Know, Down the Rabbit Hole and in the documentary Dalai Lama Renaissance
Workshop: Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God Is Already Here, So What Are You Doing About It?

Leo Kim
Leo Kim, PhD - Full Bio
scientist, biotechnology CEO, spiritual healer, radio show host, author, Healing the Rift: Bridging the Gap Between Science & Spirituality
Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality

Konstantin Korotkov
Konstantin Korotkov, PhD - Full Bio
director, St. Petersburg Research Center on Medical and Biological Engineering, editor, Journal of Consciousness and Physical Reality, inventor, Gas Discharge Visualization instrument, professor, Academy of Natural Medicine, researcher, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, author, Light After Life and Aura and Consciousness
Workshop: New Electromagnetic Devices for Analysis of Health Hazards
Workshop: The Detection and Prevention of Negative Environmental Influences on Health

Uma Krishnamurthy
Uma Krishnamurthy, MD
psychiatrist, researcher, Indian Council of Medical Research, faculty, Yoga Biomedical Trust, classical Indian Bharatnatyam dancer
Workshop: Workshop on Yoga Psychology

Miceal Ledwith
Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph. L.D., D.D., LL.D - Full Bio
theologian, former editor of The Irish Theological Quarterly, former member of the International Theological Commission, researcher on orb phenomena, featured in What the Bleep Do We Know and Down the Rabbit Hole, producer of DVD series, Deep Deceptions exploring blocks to our spiritual development from a flat earth mentality and the “missing years” of Christ, producer of DVD, Orbs: Clues to a More Exciting Universe, co-author The Orb Project, author of soon to be released Forbidden Truth, Part One: The Other Side of Jesus
Workshop: Orbs: What They Tell Us About the Human, the Universe and the Everyday Manifestation of Personal Reality

Leonard Laskow
Leonard Laskow M.D. - Full Bio
author, Healing With Love, founding diplomate, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, former member, Institute of Heartmath’s Scientific Advisory Board, consultant in Behavioral and Energy Medicine, has studied, researched and taught about the healing power of love and self awakening for more than 30 years.
Workshop: The Art & Science of Healing With Love

Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno
Tiyana Maksimovich-Binno - Full Bio
energy reader, healer, naturopath, homeopath, herbalist, body worker, neuro-linguistic programmer, life coach, researcher on socio-ecological, psycho-somatic and spiritual blueprint energy dynamics, telepathy, distant and spontaneous healing, mind-body-spirit intelligence and past lives, lecturer on Empowerment in Global Crisis and Transition to Sustainable Society, founder Holistic Healing Circle, author Ecology of Self-Healing, articles Encounters With Healing Truth, contributor to Social Developers Network.
Workshop: Reading and Healing the Energy Blueprint: Integrative Pristine Self’s Epistemology and Healing for Sustainability

Joe Miguez
Joe Miguez - Full Bio
Special Evening Event: The Labyrinth Experience: A Walking Meditaton

Onye Onyemaechi
Onye Onyemaechi - Full Bio
recording artist, performer, producer, composer, master drummer, founder of Village Rhythms, Ordained Minister, spiritual advisor, brings the soul of African Culture to teach the best of the traditional culture, internationally known for his healing, teaching and music
Evening Event: Healing through Music, Drumming and Dance
Workshop: Boiling Energy: Of Drums, Sweat and Tears

Ernesto Ortiz
Ernesto Ortiz - Full Bio
creator of D.R.E.A.M Catcher (a structure used for healing that uses Sacred Geometry and Vibroacoustics), founder, Journey To The Heart, Trance Dance facilitator, began training at a very early age with Curanderos and Shamans in his native Mexico, author, Tantric Shamanism, Mastering the Art of Relationships, Raw Emotions: Journey with the Beloved and others
Workshop: Sacred Geometry and Light Language: The Art of Co-Creation

Christine Page
Christine Page, MD - Full Bio
homeopath, author, Frontiers of Health, Beyond the Obvious, Mind Body Spirit Workbook, Spiritual Alchemy and others
Workshop: 2012 and the Return of the Great Mother

John Petersen
John Petersen
John Petersen is head of The Arlington Institute.
Workshop: Getting to 2012 and Beyond: What Happens Next and Where are we Going?

Eric Pearl
Eric Pearl, DC - Full Bio
chiropractor, healer, author, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself
Workshop: Exploring the New Frequencies of Healing

Diane Hennacy Powell
Diane Hennacy Powell, MD - Full Bio
neuroscientist, former Harvard psychiatrist, author, The ESP Enigma
Workshop: The ESP Enigma: An Integrative Model for Understanding Psychic Phenomena

Ashley and Lydia Rowan
Ashley and Lydia Rowan - Full Bio
yoga teachers extraordinaire, Lydia was professor of Psychology at Moscow State University in Russia, Ashley produced the video, Affinity Yoga: A Feeling for All of Life
Morning Classes:Affinity Yoga and the Focus of Consciousness

Leonid Sharashkin
Leonid Sharashkin, PhD - Full Bio
editor, Anastasia and Ringing Cedars series of books, researcher in alternative forestry, organic gardening and the cultural and spiritual dimensions of our interactions with Nature, former Program Manager, World Wildlife Fund in Russia, editor of Russia’s largest environmental magazine, translator into Russian of a number of books including Tompkins and Bird’s The Secret Life of Plants
Workshop: Re-Creating a Garden Planet: Psychology of Humanity/Earth Co-Evolution
Workshop: The Eternal Cycle: Birth and Fertility in Nature and Human Experience

Freddy Silva
Freddy Silva - Full Bio
one of the world’s leading experts on crop circles and sacred sites, leading researcher into the interaction between temples and consciousness, author of Secrets in the Fields, and Director of the documentaries Templemaking, Stairways To Heaven: The Practical Magic Of Sacred Space” and "In The Footsteps Of Isis", student of Earth Mysteries and ancient systems of knowledge
Evening Event: Invisible Temples: Ancient Wisdom For Modern Lives
Workshop: Orbs, Crop Circles and Sacred Sites: The Manifestation of the Soul?

Penelope Smith
Penelope Smith - Full Bio
leader in the field of animal communication for over thirty years, author, Animal Talk, When Animals Speak and Animals in Spirit, editor Species Link magazine, has helped launch the careers of numerous professional animal communicators
Workshop: The Power of Communicating with Animals

Maboud and Tara Andrea Swierkosz
Maboud and Tara Andrea Swierkosz - Full Bio
Maboud is a certified dance leader and member of the Mentor Teacher’s Guild of the Dances of Universal Peace. He facilitates meditation, chant and movement workshops focusing on the Aramaic words of Jesus.
Tara Andrea is a certified dance leader and member of the Mentor Teacher’s Guild of the Dances of Universal Peace. She has led the Dances of Universal Peace in a wide variety of organizational and community settings.
Evening Event: Dances of Universal Peace

Greg Tamblyn
Greg Tamblyn, (Transformational Humorist ~ Musical Laf-ologist) - Full Bio
transformational humorist, singer, songwriter, Analog Brain In A Digital World and others

Russell Targ
Russell Targ - Full Bio
physicist, laser application pioneer at Lockheed Martin, cofounder, Stanford Research Institute’s remote viewing program, coauthor, Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-Local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing, Heart of the Mind, Limitless Mind and The End of Suffering: A Guide to Fearless Living
Workshop: Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities: Why Bother with ESP?