Carmen Brocklehurst
Carmen Brocklehurst
accredited T'ai Chi Chih Teacher. She was also accredited as a Seijaku Teacher (advanced T’ai Chi Chih). Carmen has a Masters degree in Education and has been teaching in public and private sectors for over 30 years, both nationally and internationally. Clients have included corporations, churches, government agencies, health agencies, universities, private institutions and television. She teaches workshops, lecture-demonstrations, conferences, classes and retreats. Carmen hosts the PBS television series, T'ai Chi Chih: Joy Thru Movement, which has been showing nationwide since 1994.
Classes: Tai Chi Chih: Joy through Movement
Saturday through Wednesday 7:30-8:15
Tap into the Vital Force, Chi, Prana, the very building blocks of the Universe, through the simple practice of T'ai Chi Chih. These easy movements allow our bodies to re-energize our minds to become alert and our emotions to settle down. Each day, Carmen will teach two or three new movements and review previously-learned movements. By the end of the conference, you will notice that you were more mindful and alert during presentations, and able to better assimilate the information offered because of a greater degree of acceptance. Since each movement is self contained, you may join the class any time during the week. Come join us.