Carolyn Hobbs
Carolyn Hobbs
Carolyn is the author of JOY: No Matter What and is a body-centered Marriage & Family Therapist. She helps people struggling with depression, chronic pain, cancer, addictions and mid-life transitions to access joy.
Carolyn Hobbs's website: www.carolynhobbs.com
Workshop JOY NOW: Three Simple Choices to the Pure Joy of Being :
Saturday, March 29
- 10:45am to 12 noon
Joy lives in the present, always. As we respond to life from our Being, as we cultivate spaciousness, stillness, and presence, we bask in the Joy that is our birthright. Too often, we waste precious time looking for joy in the wrong places. We believe something outside—conflict, stress, unwanted feelings—is stealing our joy away. Learn simple, quick exercises to expand your definition of joy and raise your Joy barometer every day. Come to embrace all of life’s gifts from your pure Joy of Being.
"Keep knocking and the joy inside will open and look out to see who's there." Rumi.
Embrace three simple conscious choices for living in joy.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn how breathing directly into fear, grief, shame and despair helps dissolve them,
• Learn how to hold these in the loving compassion of your wise Being Self,
• Experience the power (and fun) of Exaggeration to dissolve unconscious habits, and
• Change limiting unconscious beliefs that feed chronic feelings and limit joy.