Olga Kharitidi
Olga Kharitidi, MD
Dr. Kharitidi is a psychiatrist and researcher from Siberia who devotes her life work to understanding the nature of human suffering and finding new ways to become liberated from it. In her private and public work, she teaches people how to recognize the roots of trauma in the depths of unconscious family memory and how to transform it into a powerful resource for healing. She traveled extensively throughout Asia, Europe and North America, learning healing approaches from different cultures about the transformation of trauma. Olga has developed a new system of healing psychological trauma. She is the author of Entering the Circle: Ancient Secrets of Siberian Wisdom Discovered by a Russian Psychiatrist and The Master of Lucid Dreaming.
Workshop: -What Happens Next?: Healing the Traumas
Saturday, March 29 - 10:45am to 12 noon
Dr. Kharatidi will demonstrate how unhealed trauma manifests in 4 dimensions of the human experience; time, space, energy and identity. She will show you how the effects of trauma induced in our society by wars, cruelty, injustice and violence have shaped us in these 4 dimensions. The question of "What Happens Next?" is asked once we have identified the effects of the trauma in these 4 dimensions of our experience, and is vital in our attempt to successfully heal those traumas. In identifying where the cause and effect of trauma lies in these dimensions we begin to unite humanity as a whole towards the purpose of curing the suffering endemic to our life's experience on the planet.
To introduce you to a multidimensional approach to curing trauma and suffering that will assist you in answering the question, "What Happens Next?"
Learning Objectives:
• To explore how trauma manifests in the 4 dimensions of time, space, energy and identity of our human experience,
• To ask the question, "What Happens Next?" as a means toward healing these traumas at the level of the 4 dimensions, and
• To move into the healing of these traumas as a means toward uniting humanity as a whole.