Jeri Mills
Jeri Mills DVM, MD
a healer who has earned her living as a physician, a veterinarian, a Reiki Master Teacher and author of the book Tapestry of Healing: Where Reiki and Medicine Intertwine. Her stories and her articles on women;s health and integrative medicine have appeared in newspapers and journals in the United States, Canada and the U.K. She has lectured internationally about the integration of Western and Energy medicine. The rich story-telling format of her presentations moves her audiences to laughter and tears as they are motivated to bring Eastern healing practices into their own lives.
Jerry Mills' website:
Workshop: Healing is Believing
Monday, March 31 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Holistic healing is more than picking colors from the palettes of both Eastern and Western Medicine and combining them on a single canvas. In truth, the tools we use are only secondary to the intention and beliefs that drive our work. Healing is about opening our hearts and our minds to the needs of our patient, bringing in what is most needed at this moment, and creating a space where the patient feels safe enough to let go of old belief systems and feels fully confident in the process. Healing begins with intention. Until trust and belief are present, no healing can take place. In an environment of complete trust and belief, anything is possible.
In this program, Dr. Mills shares stories of her own experiences as a healer and teacher and will teach the audience techniques that will allow them to use their own intent and belief to move energy.
To understand why intent and belief are essential for any kind of healing to take place regardless of the modality and the culture.
• To understand why no medical or healing modality can be fully effective without the client’s full trust and belief in the process,
• To do two simple exercises in which you will use your own intent to move energy, and
• To apply this basic healing philosophy to your own life and practice.