Jennifer Morgan
Jennifer Morgan ThD, MBA
Storyteller, environmental advocate and international speaker, Jennifer Morgan has written a science-based trilogy for children that tells the story of the universe, compellingly narrated by the Universe itself. Used in schools around the world, the books are titled: Born With a Bang (covers the big bang), From Lava to Life (covers the beginning of life), and Mammals Who Morph (the human evolution story). While teaching science, her books also tell an inner story that shows the subjective reality of a creative Universe. Understanding this story is crucial for today because “cosmologies shape our cultures, religions, relationships, and self concepts.” She tells her stories wearing an electrifying robe, covered with stars that light up. Morgan has a degree in Theology and an MBA.
Workshop: From Crisis to Innovation: Lessons from the Universe
Sunday, March 30 - 10:30am to 12 noon
Crises cause destruction at all levels, from the personal to the global. Even the natural process of growing up seems to bring crises. At the global level, Earth is in the midst of the most massive extinction of species since the dinosaurs perished 65 million years ago. Do crises serve a function? Is there something we can learn from the cataclysmic destructive events that have happened throughout the story of the universe?
Jennifer demonstrates how the Universe innovates inside of destruction, that crises of the past laid the groundwork, not only for the next part of the story, but also for all the events that followed. By learning lessons from the Universe's Epic of Evolution, Morgan will demonstrate how the same principles operate today at all levels -- personal, social and global. She will show how some crises produce innovation and others do not. She will then discuss ways to foster innovation in the heat of crisis.
Goal: To show how crises can provide the means for rapid and dramatic innovation.
Learning Objectives:
• To learn about the Particle/Anti-Particle War, the Supernova Explosion, Oxygen Poison Crisis, and two Massive Extinctions; learn how they set the next stage for the next step in the Universe Story, and were crucial for the coming of humans,
• To learn how to analyze crises of today with lessons from the Universe, and
• To learn how to innovate by aligning oneself, one's social or national group, with the creative energies inside a crisis.