Gary De Rodriguez
Gary De Rodriguez
CEO of Life Design International Academy for Life Coaching. He has spent 30 years of his career developing a bridge between his studies with the Masters of India, the Aboriginal Law Keepers of Australia, the teachers of native America and the Kunas of Hawaii with the science of Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology. The results are a set of life skills which blend the wisdom of the ages with the science of today.
Gary's website: www.garyderodriguez.com
Workshop: Harnessing Your Wizard Within:
Monday, March 31 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
The latent power within each individual is immeasurable, timeless and sacred. Each human being is the microcosm of the macrocosm of creation and holds within them the power to awaken from the dream while still being within it.
In the Huna traditions of the Hawaiian people, there is a model of consciousness that defines human consciousness into three selves: the Conscious mind, the Subconscious Mind and the High Self. Inside this model is a powerful system to awaken the deepest aspects of our consciousness, the Subconscious mind, as the vehicle to the Divine.
This program teaches practical tools for harnessing the power of the subconscious mind and learning how to enroll this sacred aspect of ourselves to further our ability to remain in the sacred present, clear our past, and activate our dream states for our spiritual evolution.
You will learn the power of your timelines and how to utilize your subconscious mind's association with time, to clear your past and enroll your ancestry to dynamically claim your future. You will walk away from this presentation with practical skills that will transform the way you experience your deep self.
To teach practical tools that result in a deeper connection as to HOW to enroll the Wizard within (your subconscious mind) in your everyday life.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn the model of the three selves and the prime directives of the Subconscious Mind,
• Learn how to resource your past as well as your futures, and
• Learn how to personalize your relationship to the Subconscious Mind and direct it during your dream states.