Jill Purce
Jill pioneered the international sound healing movement through her rediscovery of ancient vocal techniques, the power of group chant, and the spiritual potential of the voice as a magical instrument for healing and meditation. Through her workshops, Inner Sound and Voice, The Healing Voice, Re-Enchanting the World, Ritual and Resonance, Healing the Family and Healing the Ancestors, she has taught internationally for thirty years, teaching diverse forms of sacred chant, and especially overtone chanting.
She is the author of The Mystic Spiral: Journey of the Soul, a book about the evolution of consciousness in spiritual traditions, art and psychology. She worked in Germany with the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen investigating the spiritual dimension of music. Interested in the magical properties of the voice, she learned overtone chanting (producing chords or simultaneous notes octaves apart).
The latter she studied in the Himalayas with the chantmaster of the Gyutö Tibetan Monastery and Tantric College. She has been following the philosophy and practice of Dzogchen since 1978. She has also worked with American Indians and Shamans from different traditions. Some of her published works include Patterns of Growth in Nature and Consciousness, Time and the Music of Form, Creative Tension, Harmonics of Mind and Body, Sound in Mind and Body, Healing Resonance, Re-Enchanting the World, The Healing Voice, and Being In Tune. She stayed in India with Father Bede Griffiths, where she also taught. She worked in a number of closed Anglican communities in order to re-establish the contemplative power of chant.
The Healing Voice: Resonance and Liberation Through Sound
This experiential program will explore how sound and the voice have been understood and used in different traditions not only as a description of mythical and cosmogonic resonance but as one of the most effective ways to balance the mind and body and ultimately achieve enlightenment. The voice was used to re-enchant, which literally means to make magical through chant.
Jill demonstrates how we can empower our lives by using our
voice to release a uniquely powerful energy which can be used
for physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing.
By freeing the voice in certain ways, it is possible to find
physical health and emotional joy and spiritual ecstasy.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ballroom 9:00am to 10:15am
The Healing Voice: Ritual, Resonance and Re-Enchantment
To re-enchant literally means to make magical through chanting.
We will explore the secrets of the voice to restore our soul's magical connection with the Source, to come back to the present with emptiness and clarity and to be re-included, as resonant beings, within the field of the resonant world, and to heal and transform ourselves and others.
By experimenting with the psycho-physical effects of breathing, the ancient shamanic techniques of overtone chanting, sacred chants, Mantric and sonic meditations, participants attune together, moving into profound meditative states. Sonorous yogas set different parts of the body/mind into resonant healing, cleanse and tune the chakras, and release untapped sources of energy. Vocal resonances are explored to allow you to open your heart, and find joy, liberation and ecstasy in the discovery of an unlimited source of power through the encounter of your own voice in resonant and ritual community.
To experience, magically through the voice, the normally difficult aim of all meditations, to come alive in the enduring present. To be released from the life sentence of anxiety, the crippling regrets of the past and onerous dreads of the future, into joyful liberation in the present.
Learning Objectives:
To examine how the voice can uniquely call us home and maintain us in the ecstasy of the perpetual now, giving rise to states of harmony and bliss, the cause of real healing.
To consider sonic resonance and its importance for healing and transformative states of being, and
To demonstrate sonorous fields and the nature of resonant inclusion.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Ballroom 10:45am to 12:00 noon
See Jill's Post-Conference workshop here