Jill Purce
Explore the power of the voice to reconnect us as resonant beings with the resonant world, and to heal and transform ourselves and others. Participants will attune together, moving into deep meditative states by experimenting with the psycho-physical effects of breathing, and with the ancient shamanic technique of Mongolian overtone chanting, sacred chants, and mantric and sonic meditations.
Through sound, we will cleanse different parts of the body-mind and tune the chakras, while releasing untapped sources of energy. With ritual, we will then open our hearts and find joy, liberation, and ecstasy in the discovery of an unlimited source of power through the encounter of our own individual voice in community.
The Healing Voice
A joyful and uplifting experience with sound for healing and the transformation of consciousness
Liberate your voice, to make contact with deep levels of the Self and release an untapped source of energy
Work with the psycho-physical effects of breathing, chanting, and mantric and sonic meditations
Learn to tune and listen together, move from the intuitive level into profound meditative states
Develop breath and sound in ways to set different parts of the body-mind in resonance and give sonic massage
Work with vocal purification practices to cleanse and tune the chakras and experience the nature of the radiant body
Enter directly into subtle dimensions of sound by magical voice techniques including Mongolian overtone chanting
Work with powerful sonorous ritual to release dysfunctional aspects of yourself, open your heart, and heal your soul.
Thursday and Friday, November 16 and 17, 2006
New Mexico Room 9:00am to 5:00pm
To register for these two days, Click here.
Ritual and Resonance
During these days we will explore some of the following, as well as work ceremonially with the resonant fields of our ancestors
Work with mantra and discover the power of names
Uncover deep levels of the soul through trance healing, extended shamanic ceremony, chant, and mantra
Heal and reveal the dynamics of family patterns. Participate in extended ceremonies to acknowledge the blessings of your ancestral lines and to forgive and clear repeated negative patterns that have passed down from generation to generation.
Saturday and Sunday, November 18 and 19, 2006
New Mexico Room, 9:00am to 5:00pm
To register for these two days, Click here.
To register for all four days, Click here.
To register by mail, download a registration form, here.
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