Masaru Emoto
Masaru Emoto graduated from the Department of Humanities and Sciences, Japan, and subsequently received certification as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. He was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. He undertook research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher but as an original thinker, as a human being. At length Masuru realized that it was in the water crystal that water showed us its true nature. He is author of Messages from Water (as seen in the movie ?What The %&*! (Bleep) Do We Know?), True Power of Water, and The Shape of Love.
Keynote: Messages from Water
Ballroom, Saturday, November 10
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Water crystals are a manifestation of vibration
-The crystal formation when water is shown pictures and exposed to music.
-Explanation of the wide-ranging issues of our societies from the Hado = Energy perspective and principle.
Criterion 1: ‘Resonance’ everything stems relative to the theory of resonance
Criterion 2: ‘Purity’ the effectiveness of energy is determined by its purity
Criterion 3: ‘Law of Similarity’ the science of the 12 notes of the piano. The purpose of human beings is to be the conductor to all things and to the universe.
Criterion 4: ‘Shape’ The meaning that is represented in the hexagonal crystal formation.
Goal: To introduce how to apply Hado for everyday life
Leaning Objections:
1. To understand Hado is (Life = Vibration = Life)
2. To utilize Hado energy means to activate people's subconscious ability
3. To achieve the world peace is depending on our consciousness and there are methods for concrete activities or practice plans.
4. Words are lives. The true meaning of "In the beginning, there was a word" will be discussed. Description of the seminar:Sound happens as a result of vibration therefore we can say sound = vibration. Everything which exists in this world is making sound and our body is not the exception. We maintain our lives by energies which are vibrating. It is important to give out good Hado to others.
Workshop: Water and Hado
La Terraza Room, Saturday, November 10
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Sound happens as a result of vibration therefore we can say sound = vibration. Everything which exists in this world is making sound and our body is not the exception. We maintain our lives by energies which are vibrating. It is important to give out good Hado to others
Goal: To introduce how to apply Hado for everyday life
Leaning Objections:
1. To understand Hado is (Life = Vibration = Life)
2. To utilize Hado energy means to activate people's subconscious ability
3. To achieve the world peace is depending on our consciousness and there are methods for concrete activities or practice plans.
4. Words are lives. The true meaning of "In the beginning, there was a word" will be discussed.