Grandmaster Song Park
Grandmaster Song Park is a healer, martial arts Grand Master, writer, inventor and teacher. He is widely known through his worldwide seminars, books, articles and appearances on radio and television. Song studied for over 30 years with masters of both the healing and martial arts, as well as spiritual masters. He is the author of Kiai Jitsu Sound Theory, The Power of Outer Kiai, The Power of Secret Kiai, The Power of Inner Kiai, and How to Control Aggression Without Violence.
Song Park is the Founder and President of Kiai Jitsu International and Chief Master of Kiaido Academy, which integrates and unifies both martial arts and healing within a complete system. He has created a series of DVDs that comprehensively cover the use of voice for both healing and martial arts as well as for self-healing, self-empowerment and self-growth. In his vision, knowledge of body leads to health; knowledge of energy leads to happiness; the knowledge of mind leads to freedom. He teaches how to use sound to become “Happy, Healthy, Free!”
Workshop: Kiai Jitsu Alphabet Healing: Vowels and Consonants as a Healing Medium
Monday, November 12
BallRoom 10:45am to 12 noon
In Oriental tradition the use of sound is considered to be a very potent and effective means for regulating and balancing the energetic state of the body and promoting psycho-emotional well being. One energetic practice that utilizes sound as a primary tool is Kiai Jitsu. Many Oriental empirical arts and sciences are based on the use of the Five Elements and the Five Energies. In Kiai Jitsu Alphabet Healing, vowels and consonants represent all the Elements and all the Energies. In his book Kiai Jitsu Sound Theory, Master Park describes the interdependent relationship of Alphabetic sounds with the inner organs and functional systems of the body in accordance with the 5 Elements.
In this program, Master Park presents simple techniques of using sound to unblock elemental energies, purge negative energy, release emotional blockages, balance, direct and regulate different functional systems. It includes movement, massage and self-massage, visualization techniques, stances, breathing exercises and specific sounds that are whispered, chanted or sung. In result, one can experience simple and powerful ways of maintaining good health and building up energetic strength and capacity.
Explore techniques that use your voice to regulate your inner dimensions through the elemental sounds of the alphabet, in order to balance, coordinate and strengthen energy in all systems of the body.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn the basis in Oriental Medicine and Kiai Jitsu for the use of sound for healing,
• Gain practical knowledge of how to use the sounds of the alphabet to regulate the 5 Elements, and
• Understand how to integrate voice into healing practices for both physical and psycho-emotional levels.