Harvey, Arthur, MM, DMA
Throughout his 47 years as a music educator, Dr. Harvey directed his energy and interests in three areas: (1) school music, with an emphasis on special needs students, (2) church music, and (3) health care music. He received a D.M.A. from Temple University and pursued post-doctoral studies in several areas related to music. He is past President of the Hawaii Music Educators Association. Dr. Harvey is internationally known as an authority in music for special needs individuals, music and the brain, music and learning, and music and health.
Dr. Harvey’s broad background in music education has included experience as a concert and marching band director, orchestra conductor, choir director, recording artist, University Professor, general and special education music education teacher, a speaker and consultant in the fields of Music and Education as well as Music for Health Services/Therapy/Medicine.
Dr. Harvey has been a member of ACDA, ALCM, HMEA, MENC and the International Society for Music in Medicine. He is featured on a 7 show video series, Music and the Brain, released a 2 CD set of Music for Health and Wellness, and co-authored a book and CD, Learn With The Classics. He released a special recording of Hawaiian songs with a heartbeat, Island Sounds Healing Heart, and a Christmas CD and book for ESL teaching, Singing The Word Of Christmas. A recent book, A Journey Of Explanation: A Roadmap To Understanding Music & The Brain covers his research on music and the brain. He has published many articles, authored chapters in several books, and coauthored several training manuals in music for special needs individuals.
POST SOUND HEALING CONF. WORKSHOP: A JOURNEY OF EXPLANATION: A Roadmap to Understanding the Power of Therapeutic Music
DeVargas Room, at the St. Francis Hotel 9:00am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday November 14, 2007
Description: A day long journey for Musicians, Clinicians, Composers, Performers, Therapists, Sound Healers, Educators and Health Care professionals exploring the exciting and growing body of evidence supporting the importance and power of therapeutic music for both professional and personal uses. You will experience a series of multi-media presentations focusing on clarifying vocabulary and providing answers to: WHY is music Therapeutic?; WHAT is in Music that provides for its Power as a Therapeutic experience?; HOW can music be created and used Therapeutically?; WHERE, WHEN and WHO can benefit from Therapeutic Music? Dr. Harvey will also lead you through listening experiences plus discussion and Q&A. Reference materials and music resources will be available. You will also receive a CD and a workbook.
Goal: To provide an overview of the diverse and powerful therapeutic applications of music, and assist participants in developing advocacy efforts to promote Music As Therapy to both music and health care professionals, as well as the general music lover.
- To explore the many uses of music therapeutically
- To examine research that can be utilized in supporting advocacy efforts for music as a healing tool
- To assist participants in developing a knowledge of and criteria for creating and choosing music for use in therapeutic applications.
Modalities to be used in presentation:
- Media-supported lectures and demonstrations
- Listening Experiences
- Discussion & Question-Answer time.
WORKSHOP: Music Rx: Doctors Prescribe Music
Ballroom 10:45am to 12noon
Saturday, November 10, 2007
An overview of research that demonstrates how Physicians use music in medicine. Through illustration, discussion, media and documented support, participants will gain a knowledge of information to strengthen advocacy efforts for music and sound as a healing tool. Therapeutic uses of music initiated by Doctors will be the primary focus of this important workshop.
Goal: To acquaint you with evidence of music being used therapeutically by physicians.
Learning Objectives:
- To explore the uses of music in medicine.
- To examine research done by physicians that can be utilized in supporting advocacy efforts for music as a healing tool, and
- To assist you in developing a knowledge of and criteria for creating and choosing music for use in medical applications.
Dr. Harvey will present a lecture with listening experiences, discussions and Q & A
WORKSHOP: Finding Your Long Lost Musician
Monday, November 12
La Terraza Room, 2:00pm 4:30pm
Everyone is born with the innate ability to celebrate a creative life style. Music is one of the most natural ways to heal, honor and rejoice in our spirit through singing, dancing, chanting, drumming-all types of music-making and creative self-expression. Succeeding in music is not a matter of quantity or precise note-playing but rather the quality of one's presence or consciousness in the moments we participate with our personal music-making.
Join David Darling in this inspirational program which provides tools for life-long musical exploration and appreciation. Darling has spent the last 40 years developing methods that bring people face to face with their own wondrous and unique sounds and rhythms. He creates a liberating environment in which each participant has the opportunity to discover and work with his or her musical abilities.
Transform your musical journey with a fresh approach to music with improvisation. Embrace quality and reject negative self image and thought processes that plague these modern times of competition and false sensationalism.
This"playshop" is for everyone from novice to professional.
· To help people rediscover their natural abilities in music-at ease with their natural talents in music appreciation and performance.
· To create an environment for celebrating our relationship with each other to help us feel more confident with our ability to create music either in a finite way or infinite way.
Learning objectives:
· Find and experience our voice in its most natural place for singing and chanting.
· Find and experience our instrumental voice through discovering that the voice is the main key to successful instrumental performance and playing, and
· Discovering why nervousness in performance and or performance anxiety is a good thing and how to work with this energy to help us be a more creative and successful musician and creative artist.
MONDAY MORNING CLASS: Warmup with David Darling: A Musical, Energetic, Humorous and Soulfull Warm-Up of our Body and Voice
Monday, November 12
Ballroom 7:30am - 8:15am