Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson
Dr. Thompson has been experimenting with sound scientifically since 1980. He first started in his Holistic Health Center in Virginia which grew to be the largest Center of its kind in Virginia at that time. His experiments were in using exact sound frequencies to make Chiropractic spinal adjustments, cranial adjustments, stimulate and normalize organ function and balance Acupuncture Meridians. He developed a very gentle and effective method of making adjustments and continues to use this approach today. His gentle and effective method is much appreciated by his patients.
In addition to his chiropractic expertise, Dr. Thompson is recognized as a worldwide expert in the field of acoustic pacing frequencies incorporated into musical sound tracks. A consummate musician and composer in his own right, he has established a method for using modulated sound-pulses for changing states of consciousness for optimal "Mind-Body" healing.
Dr. Thompson's first recording, Isle of Skye, was carried by major music distributors in the US within its first month of release. Within the first six months, it was adopted by the American Hypnotherapy Association for its use in hypnosis. In the years since, Dr Thompson has generated more than sixty acoustic pacing compact disks and audiotapes sold in globally and used by Holistic physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, chiropractors, massage therapists and other bodywork professionals as well as the general public. His tapes and CDs are carried nationally in major stores and catalogs: Barnes & Noble, Borders, Waldenbooks, Sam Goody's, Tower Records, Nightingale-Conant, Nautilus, and many others. His well-received and effective Delta Sleep System CD Set was carried through national TV ads by Time/Life. His work with Brookstone, Inc. and other companies are carried in their respective stores and websites.
Dr. Thompson was a faculty member and continued his scientific clinical research at the California Institute for Human Science, a graduate school and research center in Encinitas, California, for many years. He taught Behavioral Psychoacoustics and Clinical Neuroacoustic Therapy courses, recognized by the State of California as part of the core curriculum for the Clinical Psychotherapy and Human Science Masters and PhD programs at CIHS.
Dr. Thompson has worked with Deepak Chopra, has created many tapes with Louise Hay, has created sound programs for conferences with Bernie Seigel, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bru Joy, and Susan Jeffers. He has worked with NASA and JPL with plasma-wave audio recordings sent back from the Voyager Space Craft and researched their effects on the subconscious mind for healing and emotional release. His work has been part of research projects at the NeuroPsychiatric Center at UCLA and has been researched at the Royal Ottowa Sleep Research Center in Canada. His work was chosen to be part of the nationally funded CSCAT (Center for the Study of Complimentary and Alternative Therapies) Program at the University of Duke and the University of Virginia in the 1990s. His audio programs on CDs have been and are used with patients before and after surgery, and in various oncology departments and clinics. His patent-pending Vibro-Acoustic Sound Chair, is also used in oncology and hematology clinics, and wellness spas. He has played an active role in the Complimentary-Alternative Medicine Research and Therapy Association at Scripps Hospital, San Diego, California.
Dr Thompson has appeared on Fox Evening News Los Angeles, CNN Worldwide Reports, numerous cable access shows, San Diego Channel 10 Evening News, Good Morning America and other media shows, as many as twenty in 2005. He and his work have been featured in many magazines, including the San Diego Magazine, ELLE Magazine, Psychology Today, Body and Soul, HOW, Pen (Japanese), Mein Olein (Finnish), and Mind-Body (Korean). Many newspapers across the country have featured his work including the Wall Street Journal.
Keynote: Sound Healing for the 21st Century
Dr. Thompson will present a scientific foundation of sound and its potent use for healing and personal transformation. He honors the ancient use of sound, and has brought this into the modern world through the use of technology and a deep understanding of how the body and mind function their relational and inter-relational synchronicities. As a physician and musician, he has developed a method to balance the autonomic nervous system and to entrain specific states of consciousness for physical, emotional and mental healing, mega-learning, expanded awareness, and ecstatic states of meditation.
You will gain an understanding and appreciation of his use of sound and how it is capable of addressing a myriad of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges.
Goal: To familiarize the audience with the concept of scientific sound and its use to heal and empower the Global Body of the Universe by healing individuals.
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to take the guesswork out of sound healing,
Identify two or more uses of scientific sound, and
Name two or more groups of persons able to benefit from scientific
Workshop: BIO-TUNING®c Sound Healing for the 21st Century
Dr. Thompson offers a clear understanding of the physics of acoustics, vibration, brainwave entrainment, the ability to change brainwaves and states of consciousness with sound, and creating hemisphere synchronicity by frequency induction. Dr. Thompson will introduce his holistic modalities - Bio-Tuning and Sonic Induction Therapy - a global tri-body healing, personal transformation and awakening consciousness force. He will discuss how the scientific use of precisely tuned and formatted sound frequencies can balance one’s brain and nervous system, bypassing the rationale mind which frequently blocks healing. Well-grounded in 25+ years of clinical research and with a unique understanding of sound itself and the mind-body-spirit, Dr. Thompson discusses how the scientific use of sound can enhance specific states of consciousness for physical, emotional and mental healing, mega-learning, expanded awareness, and ecstatic states of meditation.
You will have an opportunity to experience various brainwave states with Dr. Thompson’s compositions and even the genuine NASA Space Sounds recordings.
This seminar is for practitioners who wish to expand their knowledge and expertise in the use of sound to enhance their clinical practice, for lay persons who are interested in their health and that of their family, and for those wishing to start a rewarding and productive career or career-change.
Goal: To familiarize participants with the concept of scientific sound and its use to heal and empower the Global Body of the Universe by healing individuals.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the benefits of sound healing,
ame two or more specific methods of scientific sound, and
Become more aware of personal reaction to different brainwave-
enhancing compositions.