The Ninth International Conference on
Business and Consciousness
The Future of Business
Past Presenters:
Ray Anderson, founder, Chairman and CEO, Interface (world’s largest carpet manufacturer), recipient, Global Green USA Millennium Award for Environmental Leadership
Keynote: A Better Way: Try It!
Laurie Beth Jones, author, Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom For Visionary Leadership
Pre-Conference, Full Day Intensive: The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement
for Work and Life
Workshop: The How-To of Business and Self: Points and Tips on Becoming Who You Really Are in the Business World
Victor Hunter, MBA, President, Hunter Business Direct, lecturer, Harvard Business School, board, Target Marketing magazine, author, Business-To-Business Marketing: Creating a Community of Customers
Keynote: Spiritual Economics: From The Marketplace To The Mountain
Patricia Aburdene, futurist, coauthor, Megatrends, Megatrends 2000, Reinventing the Corporation, The Natural Laws of Business, Digital Soul: Spiritual Lessons from High Tech/High Values Companies
Keynote: Digital Soul: Spiritual Leadership in a High-Tech World
Bill Strickland, President and CEO, Bidwell Training Center, cofounder, San Francisco Center for Advanced Technology and Education
Keynote: Arts and Community Economic Development
Carol Pearson, PhD, President, Center for Archetypal Studies and Applications, author, The Hero Within, coauthor, The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands through the Power of Archetypes
Workshop: Can Marketing Be Spiritual? Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes
Workshop: Liberating Spirit: Depth Approaches to Leadership Coaching
Miko Matsumura, CEO, Kalepa Networks, Java Evangelist, Sun Microsystems, former Director of Research and Development, HotWired, first degree black belt, Shotokan karate
Workshop: Entrepreneurial Manifestation: The Engine of Transformative Capitalism
Matt Weinstein, Emperor, Playfair, author, Managing To Have Fun
Keynote: Work Like Your Dog
Workshop: Building a Community Through Play
Richard Barrett, former Values Coordinator, World Bank, Fellow, World Business Academy, author, Liberating the Corporate Soul and other books
Workshop: Building a Values-Driven Organization:
Tools for Measuring Organizational Consciousness and Aligning Personal and Organizational Values (with Cindy Wigglesworth)
Workshop: Love, Fear and The Destiny of Nations: Exploring the Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on Business and World Affairs
Cherié Carter-Scott, PhD, author, The Corporate Negaholic, New Species: The Evolution of the Human Being, Chicken Soup for the Global Soul, frequent Oprah Winfrey Show guest
Keynote: If Life is a Game, These are the Rules
Workshop: Negaholics: How to Overcome Challenges in the Workplace and Prosper
Barbara Waugh, PhD, author, The Soul in the Computer: The Story of a Corporate Revolutionary, cofounder, World e-Inclusion (a Hewlett-Packard division dedicated to bringing the benefits of the new economy to the poor)
Workshop: Increase the Good Stuff: A Conversation about Creativity, Productivity and Altruism
Matthew Cross, President, Leadership Alliance. Deming scholar, creator of the Hoshin-LifeMAP and HoshinMAP processes, lifetime Beatles enthusiast.
Workshop: The Unofficial Beatles' Guide to Corporate Values: A Magical Mystery Tour into the Currency of True Success
Don Beck, PhD, founder, National Values Center, author, Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change
Workshop: Spirals of Spirituality, Dynamics of Change: How Business Can Search for Its Soul While Still Making A Profit
Marlene Caroselli, EdD, founder and Director, Center for Professional Development, author, The Language of Leadership and Principled Persuasion
Workshop: Sell Your Ideas Without Selling Your Soul: How to Persuade with Principle and Influence with Integrity
Kevin Lynch, CEO, Lynch Jarvis Jones advertising agency, author, Advertising on Higher Ground
Workshop: Operating From Higher Ground
Russell Means, actor, Last of the Mohicans, Pocahantas, Wagons East and many other films, cofounder, American Indian Movement
Workshop: America Right or Wrong
Jose Stevens, PhD, author, The Power Path: The Shaman's Way to Success in Business and Life, Transforming Your Dragons and eight other books, executive coach and team builder
Workshop: The Power Path: The Shaman's Rules of Power in Business and Life
Suzanne Maxwell, coauthor, Tales From Open Space, faculty, Center for Creative Leadership
Workshop: Open Space Technology: Your Burning Issues
Joel Bennett, PhD, Board, Magellan Behavioral Healthcare, board, Management, Spirituality and Religion of the Academy of Management, former researcher, Research Laboratory in Cognitive Psychophysiology, former researcher, Brain Research Laboratories, former researcher, Dream Research Laboratory, author, Time and Intimacy
Workshop: Quest For Presence: Transformational Time Management
Cindy Wigglesworth, President, Conscious Pursuits, former HR manager, ExxonMobil
Workshop: Building a Values-Driven Organization:
Tools for Measuring Organizational Consciousness and Aligning Personal and Organizational Values (with Cindy Wigglesworth)
John Demartini, DC, author, Count Your Blessings: The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love and The Breakthrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation
Workshop: Putting the Soul Back into the Corporate Body
JoAnna Brandi, Senior Fellow, International Society for Strategic Marketing, author, Winning at Customer Retention: 101 Ways to Keep ‘em Happy, Keep ‘em Loyal, and Keep ‘em Coming Back; Building Customer Loyalty: 21 Essential Elements in Action, coauthor, Inc. Guide to Superior Customer Service, publisher, Customer Care Bulletin
Workshop: What’s Love Got To Do With It? Turning Customer Care into Customer Loyalty
Amir Kfir, Principal Associate, Adizes Institute; instructor, Adizes Graduate School for Organizational Transformation, former team member, Israel Defense Forces School of Leadership
Workshop: Managing Your Sales Here and Now: How to Maximize Your Sales Potential by Being In The Moment

Mikela Tarlow, coauthor, Digital Aboriginal: The Direction of Business Now: Instinctive, Nomadic and Ever-Changing
Philip Tarlow, coauthor, Navigating the Future
Workshop: Navigating the Future: Unleashing Your Creative Mission (with Philip Tarlow)
Special Evening Event: The Digital Aboriginal Experience: A Journey Past and Future (with Philip Tarlow)
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Greg Tamblyn, musician, songwriter, humorist, recording artist, Shootout at the I’m OK, You’re OK Corral and others
Special Evening Event: Saving The World from Whiny Victim Love Songs
Arthur Hull, Village Music Circles, musician, author, teacher, corporate facilitator
Special Evening Event: Community Drum Circle
Susan Campbell, PhD, founder, Organization Alignment Project, designer, Truth at Work interactive game, cofounder, Institute for the Study of Conscious Evolution
Workshop: Surfing Chaos: Six New Human Capacities for Surfing Change
Special Networking Event: Truth At Work Interactive Game
Gail Ackerman, instructor, Iyengar Hatha Yoga, Director, White Iris Yoga Studio
Morning Sessions: Yoga