
Confirmed Presenters
The Ninth International Conference on
Business and Consciousness
The Future of Business

J. Robert Ouimet |
J. Robert Ouimet, MBA, PhD full bio
Chairman and CEO, Holding OCB Inc, Cordon Bleu International and Ouiment-Tomasso, Board, National Bank of Canada, Petro-Canada, Societe Genereale de Financement, Corporate Foods, Industrial Life Insurance Company, Industrial Alliance Financiere, and Grocery Products Manufacturers of Canada.
Keynote: How Spirituality in Management Works to Reconcile the Growth of Human Well-Being with Productivity and Profits : 35 Years of Experimentation: MISSION POSSIBLE
Workshop: Real Life Practices and Activities in the Work Place: Transforming Management from a Heart of Stone to a Heart of Flesh.

Lance Secretan |
Lance Secretan, PhD full bio
former CEO, Manpower, Chairman of Advisory Board, Special Olympics World Winter Games, former Ambassador United Nations Environment Program, author, ONE: The Art and Practice of Conscious Leadership, Inspire! What Great Leaders Do, Reclaiming Higher Ground: Creating Organizations that Inspire the Soul, The Way of the Tiger Gentle Wisdom for Turbulent Times, and 10 other books.
Keynote: ONE: The Art and Practice of Conscious Leadership
Workshop: The CASTLE Principles: The Way of the Conscious Leader |

Tom Dailey |
Tom Dailey, full bio
former Fortune 100 senior executive, founding team at Discover Card, President ,Valtegrics, former Advisory Director, Morgan Stanley, Board of Directors, Merchant-e-Solutions, Advisory Board, Progress Financial Corp, nationally recognized expert on Values, Integrity and Ethics.
Workshop: Don't Just Survive - THRIVE!: Values, Integrity and Ethics. |

Laurie Beth Jones |
Laurie Beth Jones, full bio
author, Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership; The Path: Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and for Life; Teach Your Team To Fish and The Four Elements of Success and many others. She is currently committed to seeding 7 micro lending institutions in Mexico, which empower the disenfranchised to become entrepreneurs.
Workshop: The Four Elements of Success: Igniting Teams and Increasing Results |

David Miller |
David Miller, full bio
Executive Director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture, leads their “Ethics and Spirituality in the Workplace” program, Professor of Business Ethics at Yale Divinity School and Yale School of Management, spent 16 years in international business and finance, former partner in a private equity firm, ordained minister, co-founder, The Avodah Institute, author, God at Work: The History and Promise of the Faith at Work Movement, advisor to corporate CEOs and senior executives on questions pertaining to ethics, values, and becoming a faith-friendly company.
Workshop: God at Work |